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Re: Wireless security question...

From: phunked up! <phunkodelic () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 16:39:04 -0400

1- Can a wireless router (installed in their home-office) be
hacked into AND can this hacker take control of the wireless
laptop. If so I would need some detail on how we can prevent
that (besides WEP). Let's assume for the sake of discussion
that there is no WEP encryption on the router.

Forget about WEP.   If our using WEP you are not asking to get hacked
your begging to get hacked.  Yes he can get hacked very easy either
with or without WEP.    FBI hacked WEP in less then 5 minutes using
two laptops and open source software that is freely available.  Google
it and you will find the story.

2- How easy is it to access the laptop once you're into the
router? Is it child splay or do we need a specialist?

You dont't actually "get into the router".  You actually just sniff
the packets and do various malious things with the data you sniff. 
Don't rely on you home users to securly set up there wireless routers
to secrue your network.  At least 50% don't even run WEP, which I
would not recommend (as stated above). Most home users haven't got a
clue about this stuff.

How secure is the laptop?  Does it have a software firewall of some
sort?  Is it patched and up to date?  Are you running up to date
anitvirus and anitspyware?  Do you have windows group policy (assuming
your running windows) setup correctly?  Have you locked down the
laptop (not running any uneeded programs, left open ports that should
not be opened).    Do you have a secure password policy set?  Are you
running RSA?

3- If the laptop's wireless router is secured with WEP and
connected to the office via VPN can it be EASILY hacked
into? The VPN connection gives them little access to the
network, barely what they need to work. Will the intruder
have access to our network?

VPNs are very hard to hack.  You should be safe there.  As far as WEP
see my response to question 1.

4- How secure is my sales rep. running around hotels with
his laptop?

See response to question 2.  Also depends on how foolish/smart your
sales reps are.  Do they leave the laptop in unsecured areas
unattended (ie hotel lobies)

We are trying to assess the risk...should we, should we not
allow wireless for the mobile workforce.

Based on your  questions I would seek professional help if I were you.
 Check out a few local vendors to get various opinions so you know you
are getting legit services for a decent price.

Good luck!



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