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Re: Reminder for ppl (ANOTHER SGI BUG!)

From: ishtar () CAL022011 STUDENT UTWENTE NL (Henri Karrenbeld)
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 03:15:40 +0200

At 11:56 19/5/97 -0600, you wrote:
 Eric's blind defense of IRIX (without even trying my exploit) has lead
to the discovery of yet another major IRIX bug. Read on...


BTW, since SUID shell scripts are diabled by default on every SGI, you must
have enabled them for your exploit to work.

1# systune | grep uid
        nosuidshells = 1 (0x1)

 Wow, here's another bug. Apparently that flag does nothing at all:

.remise.mcn,~ {1} # uname -a
IRIX remise 6.2 03131015 IP22
.remise.mcn,~ {2} # systune | grep uid
       nosuidshells = 1 (0x1)
.remite.mcn,~ {3} # exit
.remise.mcn,~ {9} > reg4root
# id
uid=100(mcn) gid=20(user) euid=0(root)


reg4root is the exact exploit I posted late last week. It creates a setuid
shell, and executes it. I guess the nosuidshells flag doesn't do anything?

Oh yes, it sure should be doing something... however, not the thing you
think it should be doing: it does NOT disable suid shells.

So what does it do? There is probably some info in the manpage of systune,
but as far as I can remember it should disable setuid _shellscripts_ and
_not_ setuid shells. For IRIX a shell is just a binary like any other
binary, so the setuid bit works like with any other program. As far the name
is concerned...
I guess 'nosuidshells' means 'NOSetUIDSHELLScripts'

$) Henri
Hardware, n.:
The parts of a computer system that can be kicked. - nn.

If God used E-mail, he'd use PGP. - myself

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