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Re: Eudora executes (Java) URL

From: dominique () UNRUH DE (Dominique Unruh)
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 21:09:00 +0200

[From an anti-mail-exploit-procmail-filter-perl-script (see
 s/<BODY\s+(([^">]+("(\\.|[^"])*")?)*)ONLOAD/<BODY $1 DEFANGED-ONLOAD/gi;

This Pattern will catch lines like
        <body onload="badthings()">
converted to
        <BODY DEFANGED-ONLOAD="badthings()">
but not
        <body onload="badthings()" onload="badthings()">
converted to
        <BODY onload="badthings()"  DEFANGED-ONLOAD="badthings()">]
So one onload=... will stay and act.

Also things like < body ... > wont be catched. I dont know if those are
leading spaces are proper HTML, but even if not, one should not suppose
every bad HTML to be rejected.


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