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New SMAP + SASL + SSL Patches available.

From: macgyver () TOS NET (MacGyver)
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 22:50:33 -0500

Hi folks,

I've just finished putting out a new set of patches for SMAP that add in
SASL and SSL support for SMAP.  For those that don't know...SASL is
sometimes known as authenticated-SMTP, and basically allows you to enable
relaying for SMAP ONLY for authenticated senders, rather than limiting it by
hosts.  This is especially useful for those of us who are extremely mobile
users...And SSL support...yes, you too can now use SMAP over SSL.

Those of you that use SMAP out there probably have run into the mail relay
issues that SMAP "exposes" you to.  There are a couple of ways to fix this
to prevent the ever-growing spam sites from using your mail server as a
relay point to spew more of their spam.  You can set up ACLs, essentially
that prevent this, or you can use authenticated SMTP (officially knows as
SASL: RFC 2222).  Fortunately the major mail clients out there (for Windows
anyways) such as Outlook '98 and Netscape Messenger, support SASL.

I, and half a dozen beta testers have been running these patches for a
couple of months without any problems.  I'd love to hear any feedback from
people about these patches.  I can be reached at macgyver () tos net.

Details on my patches are available at:



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