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Standard & Poors security nightmare

From: friedl () MTNDEW COM (Stephen Friedl)
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 12:44:01 -0700

Standard & Poor's ComStock division sells a MultiCSP system that provides
realtime stock quotes and news, and this was the subject of a BugTraq
posting in February 2000 by Kevin Kadow (this link a copy posted in March):

20000324230903.13640.qmail () msg 
net">http://www.securityfocus.com/templates/archive.pike?list=1&date=2000-03-22&msg=20000324230903.13640.qmail () msg 

His review was fairly scathing, but he substantially UNDERstates the
risk of running one of these machines. He told me he didn't want to
give away everything (to allow people time to clean things up), but I
intend to do so here. These machines are an unmitigated *disaster* for
security, and it's not often I can use "unmitigated" so literally.

For starters, on the "outside" interface they provide an /etc/issue file
that kindly tells you nearly everything you need to know. Just telnet to
the box, and it greets you with:

        Red Hat Linux release 5.1 (Manhattan)
        Kernel 2.0.35 on an i686
        MCSP - Standard & Poor's ComStock - The McGraw-Hill Companies
        Multiuser CSP Login:
        <alt><F1> login: screen
        <alt><F#> login: showusers
        <alt><F#> login: showlog
        <alt><F#> login: netconfig
        <alt><F#> login: isdnconfig
        <alt><F#> login: helpmcsp
        <alt><F#> login: helpicl

The only thing missing is "Please Hack Me -- I'm easy". The last two
"help" accounts have no passwords, and they bring up "more" on some
text files. When paused at the first prompt, it's easy to type "v" to
bring up vi on the file, then type

        :set shell=/bin/bash <RETURN>
        :shell <RETURN>

and get a non-root shell. This takes about 12 seconds. The other "config"
accounts provide similarly easy interfaces via simple menus, though I didn't
spend any time on them. They helpfully keep passwords in the "old" format
in /etc/password: no /etc/shadow, no MD5, so Crack gave me the root
password of "c0mst0ck" (zero instead of oh -- aren't they clever). Now you are
root on a Linux box with a C compiler.

The machine has LOTS of security issues: programs with known holes,
/many/ unneeded services, world-writable directories, and the list goes
on. But in one respect this shouldn't matter much: if you have a proper
firewall in place, this machine won't allow the outside world to get
anywhere near it. Or so you thought.

These machines have a dedicated circuit on the second network interface
(T1, ISDN, etc.) that supports the feed from S&P, and it seems to be on
a 172.23.*.* private network run by Concentric. By downloading and
compiling a few tools (the compiler was thoughtfully left behind),
I was able to "scan" various 172.23.x.x address blocks to discover
numerous MultiCSP machines owned by entirely unrelated customers. Since
these machines are all configured to run Samba by default, their
"signature" is very easy to detect with a NETBIOS nameservice scanner.

Once the machines were identified, it was a trivial matter to login to
these remote machines and get root via the same default password or
"vi" exploit. These machines were apparently located all over the world
(I think that two of them were in The Netherlands and Singapore), and
every single one had a "private" 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x address on the
"customer" side of the machine. I found dozens of them before I decided
that I'd seen enough.

This means that no matter how good your firewall and security is on the
"outside" of the network, I am able to show up as root on a Linux box
with compiler tools. On the *inside* of your network. I had these visions
of wandering around the underground sewer tunnels in Washington DC and
popping up in the middle of the State Department: maybe that's where the
laptops went.

The short answer is that if you have one of these machines unmodified,
you are only as secure as the least secure OTHER customer with these
machines. It doesn't get much more scary than this.


These are presented roughly in order of how easy they are to implement.
Keep in mind that I know virtually nothing about the actual MCSP
application, so you have to adjust per your own experience.

1) Scream *bloody murder* at your S&P representative. They have more or less
   completely ignored reports of this serious matter as far as I can tell.
   The previous reporter of this (Kevin Kadow) tried every way he knows how
   to get them interested, and nothing happened, and even an indirect
   communiation to S&P's CTO got no response. Talk to your legal counsel
   if you are so inclined. S&P is just grossly negligent on this front.

2) Remove the /etc/issue file that reveals just how much stuff is here.
   Though there are way too many services running on this machine, and it
   would probably take no time to break into via other means, the big
   /etc/issue file provided is just an open invitation to abuse by even
   a casual passer-by. It surely caught *my* attention.

3) Put good passwords on ALL the accounts, including the "helpful" ones.
   If you really don't need the help accounts, disable them entirely.
   These help files are very easy to find without special logins. I
   believe that S&P might login to these machines remotely, so you may
   need to coordinate this with them.

4) Find out from S&P just which services that they really need and drop
   the ones not needed. They are running Samba, portmapper, and SNMP, and
   it's not clear that any are really needed. Apache is running, and I
   am fairly sure it's /not/ needed. Shut down EVERYTHING you don't need.
   I'm told that telnet is the only thing really needed.

5) Use TCP wrappers to limit who can login to your system from random IP
   addresses, and certainly disable all logins from the Concentric side
   of the world. If possible, disable the telnet daemon entirely and just
   do all your administration from the console. Use Secure Shell instead
   of telnet.

6) Install and use ipchains on *both* interfaces to drastically reduce what
   this machine can do. The Concentric side of the world seems to talk to
   just two machines that are mentioned in /etc/hosts:

        #Name of machine on far side (e.g big1 and big2) BIG1 BIG2

   If you determine that this is the limit of your "outside" traffic,
   firewall everything else. I have the impression that S&P's BIG1 and
   BIG2 accept connections on port 25600, so you might be able to get
   away with denying all UDP and permit only established TCP traffic.

   You must also firewall the "outside" interface as well on the assumption
   that the machine is compromised from the "inside". Also use ipchains
   to limit virtually everything on this interface, allowing only that
   which you know to be required. I have the impression that the customer
   hits the quote/news server on TCP port 6010, so blocking everything
   else seems like a good idea. Also block *outbound* traffic from this
   machine so a compromised machine can't be used as a launchpad. I'm
   afraid I don't have enough experience with ipchains to get any more
   specific on these recommendations.

I am sure that these suggestions are incomplete, as I've not be the
one responsible for securing this machine (I was simply doing an audit).
Standard & Poors is simply out of their minds for producing a product
like this *and* not responding when the issue was raised.

As Kevin said previously, "pray".

Stephen J Friedl|Software Consultant|Tustin, CA|  +1 714 544-6561
3B2-kind-of-guy |I speak for me only|  KA8CMY  |steve () unixwiz net

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