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Re: ODBC Login information saved as plain text... :(

From: "Deus, Attonbitus" <Thor () HammerofGod com>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 07:57:34 -0700

Hash: SHA1

At 01:30 AM 7/22/2003, hanez wrote:
(this is my second post of this mail because the first didn't
arrived to the list...)

Hello All,

i have found an interesting thing in Windows XP. When i create an
ODBC SYSTEM-DSN (Datasource available for all users) for accessing a
SQL-Server, it is saved in the Windows Registry. The Problem there
is, that Windows is saving the login information like username and
password as plain text in the registry keys and every user who has
access to this PC could read these entries.

Please note that this has nothing to do with Windows XP, or Win2k,
etc.  It 
has to do with the ODBC driver you have chosen to use.  See below.

I don't have big problems with this but i think that many developers
are  using
this for building database driven applications. If these
applications are running on client PC's where noone should know the
passwords of the database server, every user could read the login
information in the Windows registry and then use an application like
MS-Access to get access to the tables stored on the server. I think
this is a very insecure thing! Users could get Information about the
structures of the tables on the database server and maybe if not
correct configured get write access to all tables... A horrible
thing i think...

Then it is the developers fault.  Using "mixed-mode" type
applications is 
not a secure method of accessing a database.  This would be no
than someone having a client-side application that made direct ADODB
to a database and included the logon credentials in the connection
same with .asp and so forth.

I have only tested this on my Windows XP workstation and one and
only Windows machine, so i could not test it on other versions of
this stupid OS. Like i'm knowing M$ it is a problem in all versions
of Windows. Windows simply is a big security problem...

Not to be crass, but the "big problem" is that you have not performed
adequate research.  To be honest, this smacks of one of those BT
specifically written to be able to say things like "stupid OS" and so
forth.  One should note that a Perl script written on Linux to access
a SQL 
server back end would still have the creds stored in plain-text
unless the 
developer chose to better secure it.  And we won't even get into
sniffing of en-encrypted sessions.  As far as the permissions go, of
all users can read a system DSN- IT IS A SYSTEM DSN!  If the
really cares, he can create User DSN's, which are created in the
hive with restricted permissions and cloned to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER
with admin/specific user permissions.  But they don't do that.  They
single user accounts and share them among all the users.  Guess whose
that is?? Yep, the DEVELOPER.



"Description"="MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver DSN"








This is because your MySQL ODBC driver was *written to do this.* 
This is 
how MySQL *wants* the data.  In contrast, if you were using MS
and insisted on using mixed-mode authentication, where you connect up
a specific user account and created such a system DSN, even when you 
connect up and test, the reg entry only stores the following:

"Driver = %SystemDrive%\%WinDir%\System32\sqlsrv32.dll"
"LastUser = Dude"
"Server = ServerName"

When you attempt to establish a connection via the System DSN, you
prompted for your username and password- again, this is a result of
how the 
ODBC driver was written.
This issue has nothing to do with Windows XP being a "stupid OS." 
distinction lies elsewhere.



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