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RE: Trusteer Rapport Security Circumvention

From: "Amit Klein" <amit.klein () trusteer com>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 03:46:13 -0500

Hello BugTraq

Andrew Barkley of Computer Sciences Corporation contacted us with this
around the same time it was posted to BugTraq. Since then we've fixed
the issue and are now completing the QA cycle with the intention of
releasing this fix 12 hours after learning about the problem. 

Amit Klein, CTO, Trusteer

-----Original Message-----
From: barkley () usa net [mailto:barkley () usa net] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:58
To: bugtraq () securityfocus com
Subject: Trusteer Rapport Security Circumvention


Trusteer is an innovative software to combat fraud, thus it's 
global uptake in the financial sector. Trusteer also seems 
quite adamant that their software is bullet-proof, their 
website pretty much sums it up. However, on having a closer 
look and some tinkering, I discovered a complete no brainer 
vector for circumventing Trusteer's security. I've tested 
this on various XP platforms successfuly, please feel free to 
notify the vendor as you wish and/or to publish whatever you 
feel appropriate under the circumstances.

Trusteer Rapport locks down your browser once you connect to 
a sensitive website such as your bank. Any malicious software 
that tries to ride on the browser is left out of the locked 
down browser, and cannot access  your sensitive information 
and transactions. Rapport also locks down communication 
between your browser and the bank, preventing any 
network-based attack from diverting traffic to fraudulent locations.

The following illustrates how malware on entering a system by 
whichever means, and on detecting Trusteer's services, can 
easily (automated/scripted) disable Trusteer's security for 
whatever malevolent purposes.

Step-by-step illustration, how to easily circumvent 
Trusteer's security.

Firstly, disable Trusteer's service (RapportMgmtService.exe) 
in your active Hardware Profile. Trusteer doesn't protect 
this option, thus this is a good starting point for now.

NOTE: This in fact disables Trusteer's service 
(RapportMgmtService.exe) in the Services.msc GUI i.e.
Services.msc > "Rapport Management Service" > "Log On" > 
"Hardware Profile" > "Disabled"

On the very next reboot, at least one reboot is required to 
disable the kernel driver (RapportPG.sys), Trusteer's service 
(RapportMgmtService.exe) should now be inactive/disabled, and 
thus you'll be able to rename Trusteer's now unprotected folders.
i.e. Command Prompt
C:\> cd \"Program Files"
C:\> rename Trusteer TrusBeer

NOTE: At this point the web browser's not protected by 
Trusteer, nor is Trusteer's software & system settings 
protected, thus pretty much open to your imagination.

The following step is not required, especially seeing as 
Trusteer's service (RapportMgmtService.exe) was disabled 
previously in the active Hardware Profile. However, should 
you also wish to reconfigure Trusteer's now unprotected 
drivers & services to start manually, or even disable/delete 
completely, you may or may not have to reboot one more time, 
as the following step may need another reboot to take 
advantage of the previously now renamed unprotected folders 
in the previous step.
i.e. Command Prompt
C:\> sc config RapportMgmtService start= demand C:\> sc 
config RapportPG start= demand

Should you wish to cover your tracks (you'll also have to 
clear event logs), rename Trusteer's home folder back to the 
original and restore the Hardware Profile registry entry.

i.e. Command Prompt
C:\> cd \"Program Files"
C:\> rename TrusBeer Trusteer


Andrew Barkley

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