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Re: Understanding Windows Heap Overflows

From: Matt Conover <mconover () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 12:50:16 -0700

Also newer versions of windbg can be configured to prevent this:
"Processes created by the debugger behave slightly differently than they
would under normal conditions. Instead of using the standard heap API,
processes created by the debugger use a special *debug heap*. On Microsoft(r)
Windows XP and later versions of Windows, you can force a spawned process to
use the standard heap instead of the debug heap by using the
_NO_DEBUG_HEAP environment
*-hd* command-line

On 10/19/05, Dave Korn <dave.korn () artimi com> wrote:

Apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but I just thought it worth

pbb wrote:

With the example given, I couldn't get it to do anything, no 4 byte
overwrite. I seem not to be able to step through a overwrite of the
UEF in visual studio, I read somewhere it was because the debugger
overwrites the Exception handler already so the original pointer isn't
called thus the overflow overwrites the wrong address.

I was able to get the SP2 one to work out of visual studio but not
within, does anyone have a way around this issue.

Using WinDbg
(http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/default.mspx) instead
worked for me. I was using it for just this purpose at the time of the
(blaster) bug; I was able to single step all the way through the user
exception dispatcher code, watch it unwind the entire exception handler
chain and eventually end up at the UEF.

Start with "bp ntdll!RtlDispatchException" and take it from there!

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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