Dailydave mailing list archives

July 20th, 2006 - Syscan

From: Dave Aitel <dave () immunityinc com>
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 17:34:38 -0500

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So the best thing about small conferences is that they can experiment
a bit. The one I went to in Japan had ambient beats playing underneath
and in between the talks - and, of course, they had hacking of random
web sites live on stage. Don't get to see that much. They pretty much
pioneered the shorter talk lengths now common in the bigger conferences.

So bigger is not always better. Bigger often means powerful "sponsors"
who can dictate what sorts of talks are allowed. Bigger often means 5
tracks, where you really only want to see the five that are on all the
same time at 10am. Bigger often means talks from sponsors, where you
don't realize the talk is a paid advertisement.

http://www.syscan.org/ is not a big conference. This is probably one
of its strengths. The other strength is the organizers - Thomas Lim is
someone you've probably seen at one of the other conferences, and
myself, Matthew Conover, and SK Chong are also on the CFP committee,
which means papers will be vetted for technical content quite carefully.

A little about Singapore itself:
Singapore has steamed stingray for sale at huge outdoors cafeterias.
It has a 7-11 on every block, and it has a business friendly attitude.
Unless you're in Malaysia, it's a fair distance away from you, but so
is everywhere cool.

So be there, or be square. :>

Dave Aitel
Immunity, Inc.
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