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From: Jared DeMott <demottja () msu edu>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 12:25:59 -0400

"We developed fuzz testing, the sending of unstructured random input to an application program." -- B.P. Miller

"A highly automated testing technique that covers numerous boundary cases using invalid data (from files, network protocols, API calls, and other targets) as application input to better ensure the absence of exploitable vulnerabilities. The name comes from modem applications’ tendency to fail due to random input caused by line noise on “fuzzy” telephone lines.
A complete fuzzer iteration, starting from generation: The fuzzer begins by getting semivalid data via one of the two main methods for use in testing: generation or mutation. The fuzzer then submits the data and tracks whether the erroneous input causes the application to crash (in which case, it saves the data for later analysis). If not, the fuzzer automatically proceeds to the next iteration" -- Peter Oehlert

"Fuzzer: A fuzzer is a program that attempts to discover security vulnerabilities by sending random input to an application. If the program contains a vulnerability that can leads to an exception, crash or server error (in the case of web apps), it can be determined that a vulnerability has been discovered. Fuzzers are often termed Fault Injectors for this reason, they generate faults and send them to an application. Generally fuzzers are good at finding buffer overflow, DoS, SQL Injection, XSS, and Format String bugs. They do a poor job at finding vulnerabilities related to information disclosure, encryption flaws and any other vulnerability that does not cause the program to crash." -- Jack Koziol

"Fuzzing” is an automated software testing technique that generates and submits random or sequential data to various areas of an application in an attempt to uncover security vulnerabilities. For example, when searching for buffer overflows, a tester can simply generate data of various sizes and send it to one of the application entry points to observe how the application handles it." -- Sacha Faust

"For those who hid themselves successfully so far from the hype, the term fuzzing is, well, not defined. Everyone talks about it, but it means different things to different people. In general, it means throwing semi-valid data against a system to automate security testing. Many of today's issues in input parsers can be uncovered by constantly throwing data at them and watching them crash at some point in time. Supposedly, many people find their 0day bugs that way. The result is that more and more fuzzing tools appear, talks are held on conferences and people start to think that they can secure their products if they just sit long enough in the line-of-fire of a fuzzer before being shipped." -- FX

"Fault injection or fuzzing is not completely independent technique. Fault injection is normally combined with automated running analysis tools in order to simulate the use of targeted programs software. The word fuzzing comes from fuzz[3], the first fault injection tool dedicated to uncover buffer overflows. This naive but efficient approach for finding buffer overflows is simply to supply long arguments or inputs to a program and see what happens. Fuzzers like Spike[2] and Peach[8] are both available for this task. Other tools like PROTOS[20] or Security Bug Catcher[22], much closer to fault injection than fuzzing are more complex. Using a complete description of a protocol and an automated finite state machine of the program, they are able to detect if sensible states like authentication can be avoided. Thus, if an authenticated procedure is avoided due to buffer overflow or design error, this kind of tool can detect it. Unfortunately, these tools must have a complete description of protocols and states of audited programs software which represents a hard and long manual work.
Black box testing with fault injection and stress testing i.e. fuzzing is an approach whereby an auditor uses sets of scripts designed to feed a program various inputs, different in size and structure. It is usually possible to specify how this input should be constructed and maybe how the tool should change it according to the program’s behavior.
The cardinality of the potential space of inputs defines the complexity of fault injectors: fuzzers basically substitute variables for smaller, bigger and malformed strings or values. By using a random character string generator, Fuzz owns an infinite potential space of inputs. ... Substituting variables with random values is *irrelevant*. By using a library of finite substituted strings or values drastically reduces the size of the potential space of inputs." -- Martin Vaugnoux

"Fuzzing in the security context is often used to find buffer overflows, format string bugs, and integer overflows. These sorts of application errors can typically be detected by monitoring application crashes." -- Dave Aitel

"Fuzz testing or fuzzing is a software testing technique. The basic idea is to attach the inputs of a program to a source of random data ("fuzz"). If the program fails (for example, by crashing, or by failing built-in code assertions), then there are defects to correct." -- Wikipedia

Both Miller and Jack mention randomness. But Jack mentions security. Peter also mentions security, but not randomness, he says invalid data. Some use the word fault injection or stress testing. Does the way we make data invalid HAVE to include randomness? Vaugnoux prefers a list of attacks rather than random data.

Hmm....so what is the definition of fuzzing? (This is important for deeper academic study. Is it also important in practice?) All definitions point to a search for bugs -- and all are essentially performing black box testing. The unstructured, ad hoc, random nature of this testing (relatively cheap) makes it different....sometimes. But than Peter & Mike come along, have access to src, design a more structured/targeted fuzzer, and make fuzzing part of the Microsoft development process (not ad hoc and not as cheap), and they still call this fuzzing. It's clear that pure randomness is only good "one level deep". We need to add some structure (protocol knowledge) to advance multiple layers into any non-trivial protocol. I think this is how B.P. Miller never had to face this issue: he was always fuzzing cmd line args or mouse/key events. Thus there was never a notion of multiple layers.

Fuzzing is a testing technique (usually software) used to find bugs. That's about the only consensus currently. So my question is to all you fuzzers and software testers: what is the difference between fuzzing and software testing? (If someone knows of a good software testing list, please forward this on.) In theory, they seem very similar. In practice, the second party, security focus of fuzzing has made it effective in finding exploitable bugs. But more academically, what is the difference between the two (or the definition of each).

The flip side of fuzzing (and testing) is determining when a fault has occurred. This seems to receive less attention than how input data is malformed. Here's an important question when defining fuzzing: What are the different (current and future) methods/trends for detecting when a failure/fault/bug has been found?

"As in previous studies, our measure of reliability is simple and crude: the absence of a crash or hang. The command line tests run from scripts and check for the presence of a core file (crash) or non-responsiveness based on a time-out (hang). Of course, if the program completes without a crash or hang, but prints nonsensical results, we do not classify that as a failure. *Other types of testing* are better equipped for such failures. For GUI applications, the technique is similar. We run the applications under fuzz-aqua, checking for a system-generated crash log or timing-out if the program hangs." - B.P. Miller

"...the Windows operating system uses exception handling to signal failure cases to an application and to other parts of the OS. A debugger can see these exceptions, so building one in to a fuzzer allows it to determine when an application crashes. Other ways to check application correctness during fuzzing include looking for spikes in the program’s memory usage or CPU utilization ... From these simple failure models, we can envision more complex and complete failure and success models that actually examine the system to ensure that it is working correctly after parsing malformed data. I recommend using an extensible pattern in the fuzzer to implement checks for the success or failure of applications parsing the malformed data. This is true particularly because what constitutes success and failure will change over the fuzzer’s lifetime." -- Peter Oehlert


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