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Re: phpbb.com hacked...

From: Ary Kokos <akokos () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 22:59:15 +0100

Here you have :

I hacked PHPBB.com

It all started on Jan 14th when I was surfing milw0rm and came across
this exploit: http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/7778 I then remembered
that phpbb.com was running PHPlist and went looking through my email
to find the link to the script’s location. So I went to
phpbb.com/lists and sure enough they were running a vulnerable
version. Next I enabled my favorite program proxy program and tried
and sure enough it included the etc/passwd


So I moved on to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

And eventually found my way to their error log
/home/logs/phpbb.com/error_log. After a little looking I figured out
that their forums were running off /home/virtual/phpbb.com/community/
well it has been known for some time that you can include code in the
error log. So I wanted to run some code, well in PHPBB3 the avatars
are located in a folder called
/home/virtual/phpbb.com/community/images/avatars/upload and your
avatar is called (secret hash)_userid.jpg. But I didn’t know what the
secret has was to include my picture (that had my own code in it) so
by using the error log I injected code
And figured out that their hash is f51ee61fe7a83fdf72780912bced0855.
So now every time I want to upload run code against the server I can
include this: 

So my first avatar was something simple and I wanted to see if phpbb
kept their config file in plain text so cat
/home/virtual/phpbb.com/community/config.php and sure enough, its in
plain text.
$dbms = 'mysqli';
$dbhost = 'phpbb.db.osuosl.org';
$dbport = '';
$dbname = 'phpbb';
$dbuser = 'phpbb2';
$dbpasswd = 'saxM9nfRjLbJ2Yy5';
$table_prefix = 'community_';

While I was at it I checked out the config for PHPlist and it was also
in plain text:
$database_host = "localhost";
$database_name = "phpbb_phplist";
$database_user = 'phplist';
$database_password = 'Berti3_Danc3';

So I started running commands and found out that I can upload a php
text file on the forums and by finding where the path it was stored I
was able to get around their 14kb restrictions on avatars and a lot
easier than editing images with edjpgcom. So doing a mysql dump of the
phplist_admin table it showed in plain text that the password for the
one admin account was phpbb_n3ws and the login was phpBB. Wow I am
shocked no one brute forced this. So I login and see what I can come
across, wow 400,000 registered emails, I’m sure that will go quick on
the black market, sorry people but expect a lot of spam. After trying
to modify the files that were stored in PHPlist I gave up and moved on
to the forums. But not before dumping the PHPlist emails here:

On the phpbb forums it states it has 200,000 members, but due to them
constantly getting spammed they have well over 400,000 accounts. I
started dumping the community_users table with their user_id, username
and user_password. PHPBB stores their user’s passwords in unsalted md5
and their admin’s passwords in some funky hash. But if you run your
own forum and are an admin you can have your forums create the hash,
and then you do an mysql update to one of the admin account’s and your
in. Or if you change their password to yours you can use the recover
password function. More to come from this later.

So I wrote a script that submits via curl, the md5 hash to a website
and then stores the successful result in my own mysql database. The
total accounts cracked are: 28635. I could have continued cracking but
it was getting boring. Here is a sql file of the cracked passwords.
Warning, some of the user name’s aren’t right as I had to remove ticks
and quotes for it to run in my script, so I included their user id so
you can check their proper login name.

In gaining access to the admin panel of the forums, I was able to read
staff forums and come across some interesting posts. I will share some
with you.

List passwords:
TO try and make this easier, below is a list of the mailing list
passwords I had, please update and add any others that you have

captcha-commits () lists phpbb com 54a946c47dd434b2
catdb-commits () lists phpbb com 6f543db8f086e11f
convertors-commits () lists phpbb com c192b68baacc8842
documentation-commits () lists phpbb com f85ffcdf9262420c
easymod-commits () lists phpbb com 5db5bf75be85191b
kbase-commits () lists phpbb com 7c843188ed2f6021
modteam-commits () lists phpbb com 533aeefe56bfa30c
prosilver-commits () lists phpbb com 859785a9cc724e03
website-commits () lists phpbb com 3c79b9864ae5ce43
phpbb-honey-commits () lists phpbb com 7e9563750650e4c4
st-tool-commits () lists phpbb com 534d4a9b74bb77aa
iit-track-commits () lists phpbb com 8f318ffd3a2067c8
packagemanager-commits () lists phpbb com 81657892dddafdca
moddocs-commits () lists phpbb com 85c837b7f78e5435

Told you they were random Meik ;)

edit by dhn: added website-commits
edit by tm: added phpbb-honey-commits, st--tool-commits, iit-track-commits.


That password should work for all mailing lists on code.phpbb.com.

Emergency contacts and irc info:

And then I remembered that the admin panel allows you to dump tables.
So I dumped the users table which is accessible here:

Next I enabled php in template files and added this bit of code to one
of the templates:
$ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if($ip ==

Which happened to be a shell, R57shell actually. I then searched for a
writable directory and created a php file and wrote the source code to
that file. I cleaned up the template and settings and logs and left
the forums to run the way they were.

After searching around using the shell I came across the Blog settings:
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'blog'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'htsCCvyCnt5jPYMx'); // ...and password
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change
this value
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
define('DB_COLLATE', '');

And now it comes to an end, you may ask why did I do this? For fun
mainly, but what I would like to suggest to the team at phpbb is this.
If you are going to run third party scripts, either integrate them or
keep up to date on their patches. (even though the patch wasn’t
released for 2 weeks). Also don’t allow admin’s to recover their
passwords, they should have to contact another admin. Another item,
doesn’t keep plain text files of passwords or in the database plain
text passwords.

I know this isn’t the best read, but it is very hard to look back on
everything you did over the course of a few weeks. But hopefully I can
now sleep better knowing that I am not worrying about the next way to
break in.

to all that say i am a script kiddie, fuck you
phpbb, i did not alter any files on your server, everything i gained
access to has been listed in this blog
here are some updated links

when i was talking about encrypted passwords, i ment when it was
stored in PHPlist in plain text
Posted by Hacked PHPBB(dot)com at 10:25 AM
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