Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: OT: vendor contacts after list posting

From: "St Clair, Jim" <Jim.StClair () GT COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 15:35:23 -0400

Allow me to add "one bad apple..." is certainly the case as well. I have
belonged to the list for several years and a couple companies. We are
active in EDUCAUSE. I also belong to several similar forums in the
Federal Government that try to partner with vendors for open, unbiased
advice or ideas.

Unfortunately, it only takes one inappropriate attempt at marketing or
selling to spoil the relationship. We in the vendor community also
suffer when one bad experience tarnishes the open relationship we try to
have with groups such as this one. For that, we appreciate your
willingness to continue to allow our involvement in the discussion and

James A.St.Clair, CISM
Sr. Manager
Global Public Sector
Grant Thornton LLP
(703) 637-3078 (office)
(703) 727-6332 (mobile)
(703) 837-4455 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Rogowski [mailto:m.rogowski () UWINNIPEG CA] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: OT: vendor contacts after list posting

Ok everyone, put Sarah and Kevin on the "cool vendors" list...  ;-)

I for one would welcome vendors responses to questions I or others ask
on the board.  Such responses like "Yeah, I recall that issue and this
is how we fixed it" or "We dealt with a client who did <this>" are very
helpful.  If they inject their products in their expalnations then so be
it - I wouldn't let it cloud my judgement on what's being said as I'm
sure it wouldn't cloud anyone elses here either.

I would also welcome a personal email from these folks if they have
input into solving my problem(s).  But if its an email saying "buy our
product" I have a special home for just those kinds of things..


Mark Rogowski
IT Security
Technology Solutions Centre
University of Winnipeg
Ph: (204) 786-9034

Kevin Moulton <kevin.moulton () ORACLE COM> 04/11/07 1:22 PM >>>

As a vendor and a member of this list, it seems appropriate to reply.  I
joined this list because, as an engineer in the security space who works
with Higher Education, I sincerely wanted to know what security
professionals in Higher Ed are talking about, and this list has been a
great education for me.  

Just yesterday, I saw a post on an issue where I thought I could help
the poster and wondered if it was appropriate for me to contact her.
While she provided a number in her signature, calling seemed way too
presumptuous, so I simply wrote an email offering to have a chat.  I had
no specific product in mind, but thought I could help in an educational
way given my experience in Higher Ed and in other markets that the
question related to.  If I don't hear back from this individual, then
that will be the end of it.  This is the first time I have made any such

I guess I can't speak for all vendors, but I'm in the job I'm in because
I care about security, and I'm on this list to learn, and admittedly to
help ensure that the products and services offered by my company meet
the needs of Higher Education.  I hope you won't kick us out.   However,
if the list implements a "no contact" rule, I certainly will abide by

Kevin Moulton
Manager, Security Solution Specialists
Oracle Corporation
Phone: 973-216-3124


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