Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: Conflicker/NMAP

From: "Jason S. Cash" <cash () UDEL EDU>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:30:47 -0400

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, Consolvo, Corbett D wrote:

I realize many folks may not want to answer this, but has anyone had
many positives/infections with the released nmap scan for Conflicker?
So far we seem to be coming up clean and many other folks I've talked to
or emailed with have come up clean as well.  I'm just concerned about
the possibility of false negatives.  Of course, the problem may not be
particularly wide-spread except in the eyes of some media outlets.

  Scanned our entire campus and no detected infections.  Not at all what I
would expect given the size and distribution  of our customer base.


Corbett Consolvo
Texas State University

/*   Jason Cash  IT/Network and Systems Services
       University of Delaware, Newark Delaware
         e:cash () udel edu  v: 302-831-0461           */

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