Educause Security Discussion mailing list archives

Re: University credentials used by third parties

From: Pete Hickey <pete () SHADOWS UOTTAWA CA>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 20:15:26 -0400

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 07:50:50PM -0400, Bob Kalal wrote:
We once had four Xerox mainframes sharing a portion of main memory - if you
toggled the wrong address, all four crashed and a police car gumball on top
of the memory cabinet lit up along with a siren. There was also a clock margin
switch that let you run hot, but the manual specifically disclaimed mathematical
accuracy with a fast clock.

Ahhhh.. Our old PDP-8.  Sometimes your program would fail because of hardware
errors.  One of the boards would not be making good contact.  We had a rubber
mallot, and we would whack the thing to seat the cards better.

Such satisfaction....

You run your program and it crashes.  Then you whack the machine with a hammer
and it WORKS!!!!!.

Tried that with an ipod, and only ended up with ipod pieces.

Pete Hickey                      
The University of Ottawa           Send $50 and I'll double your IQ
Ottawa, Ontario                          or no money back!

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