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RE: Vulnerability Response (was: BGP TCP RST Attacks)

From: "Marcus J. Ranum" <mjr () ranum com>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 12:19:22 -0400

Ben Nagy wrote:
mjr writes:
I don't think patch management is the solution for any 
significant aspect of the problem. I know that flies in the 
face of the "common wisdom" of security these days, but I 
think eventually time will tell and we'll give up on patch 
management as a security technique. [...]

If I stood on top of a very large building with a hundred foot stack of
Marshall amps and used the entire building as a pre-amp and subwoofer, I
still could not yell "CRAP!" loud enough.

As I said, I think time will tell. :)


Come on, Ben! Join me in challenging the preconceptions of an
industry that has grown up around "if you can't do something RIGHT
do something STUPID, HARDER!"  That's what we're talking about,
here, with all the focus on patch management:
- Rather than run a good O/S: run a bad one and MANAGE it BETTER
- Rather than understand your connectivity: leave it OPEN and FIDDLE WITH
        your endpoints CONSTANTLY
- Rather than run good code: run bad code and UPGRADE IT DAILY

Talk about not being able to yell "CRAP" loud enough?? What's
wrong with this picture?!?!

Take a look at the recent security record of MS RPC endpoints. You can't
turn them off. You can't secure them. Windows will break.


Of course at this point everyone chimes in and says, "BUT WE HAVE TO!"
for (whatever) reason(s). Well, then don't complain that it sucks. But
don't expect to be able to make it not suck through dint of sheer
effort. That's not gonna happen, either.

We have seen - CLEARLY - with software and O/S in general - that
they are not reliable enough to provide a solid security platform. The
evidence is manifest; it's been staring us in the face for at least the
last 10 years and it's been covered in big, blinky neon signeage for
the last 4 years. Everyone would rather be in denial.

What do you think? If we install JUST ONE MORE PATCH it's gonna
be SECURE? Heck, no. The only way to secure this crap is to hold
it down and hammer a stake through its heart.


How _ELSE_ do you want to deal with that problem? Let me put it a different
way. However much you lock down machines, your biggest remaining worry will
be software vulnerabilities in the services you _do_ run - the rest is just
a matter of degrees. How do you eliminiate vulnerabilities? Patch.

Ok... now let me catch my breath and we can talk sense... ;)

You're absolutely right that the software vulnerabilities in services are
what will kill you. That's why the old-school doctrine was:
        - collapse access down to services
        - collapse services down to a handful of trusted servers for those services
        - make the service implementations on those trusted servers as well-configured
                as possible
        - use mitigation techniques to surround those services (setuid, chroot,
                noexec, append-only, tamper-detection, app proxies, default
                deny) wherever possible and to the highest extent practical
        - deny all else

There are a few people on this list (Hi Fred, Paul!) who have been singing
this song for a very very long time. We don't sing it because it's fun and
we like the sound of our voices - we sing it because it's the only way we
know to come close to reliably producing good results. It doesn't
GUARANTEE good results - but it's close to reliable.

The other approach is:
        - we want to make everything accessible to everything else
        - we know our software sucks
        - we can't secure everything
        - so we'll try to automate the process of securing whatever is
                particularly unpleasant right now

Put differently, I see the "patch it everyplace" approach as 
an over-extension of an approach that *did* work OK: 
policy-centric host hardening.

You can only harden up until the OS will let you.

Well, yeah. If you're using the wrong OS you're an idiot. The fact that
there are a lot of idiots out there doesn't make them any less idiotic, either.
Let me see here: "I am gonna build a 'bastion host' on an O/S that doesn't
have chroot, or any notion of file permissions or execution control. But
I like it because it automatically loads device drivers on demand and it
has shared libraries and no CHANCE of producing a statically bound
executable and by the way anyone can overwrite a shared library any time
they get file level access because there are no file permissions enforced."
That sound smart to you?  Thats like saying "I am going to build the
Eiffel Tower out of toilet paper because I like how soft toilet paper is!"

If the core service has an
exploitable bug then only a patch will fix it.

Yes. But.

First off, the big mistake a lot of folks make is that the place the
underlying code of a service where it's exposed to untrusted access.
I can't avoid saying "I told you so!" when I see that "application security"
is now a HOT TOPIC (again) - why? Because it's STUPID to, for example,
expose an Exchange server to the Internet when you can expose a
trusted piece of minimized code that runs in a locked-down environment.
Yes, Postfix has needed security patches. But has it needed as many
as Exchange? Yes, smap has needed a security patch (one, once, but
it was because it was linked against syslog()) but has it needed as many
as Exchange? In either case, the failure modes of both - running chrooted
and setuid nobody - are infinitely preferable to the failure modes of the
other approach.

The idea that code needs to be patched frequently and often is
predicated on the flawed concept that cruddy code is exposed to
untrusted network. That's just dumb. The fact that lots of people
do it, and lot of people want to do it, doesn't make it one iota
less dumb. The fact that lots of security practitioners aid and abet
the dumbness by preaching "patch! patch! patch!" makes them
willing participants in the dumbness. Fight back. Fight dumbness.
Come over to the light. Turn away from the darkness. Fight the
"accepted wisdom" of defeat. Use The Force, Ben.... ;)

Other solutions (like my
famous "marketing" host based vulnerability mitigation ;) might save your
backside for a while, but the real intent of those solutions is to buy you
time, not obviate the need to fix the real problem.

Exactly!! Put another way - the intent of those solutions is to
make it easier for you to survive doing something stupid that
you may not survive anyhow.

Even assuming that you could have pre-hardened a box (it is true that
hardening _might_ have let you dodge Blaster and Sasser, but wait until the
multiple vectored worms really start hitting us)

I have never had a worm or virus since I got interested in security.
NEVER. And I use Windows as my primary desktop platform,
so it's not that I'm a UNIX bigot. I have no idea why other people
seem to accept them as a fact of life. Accept dumbness, more like.

then most people just won't
do it. In any case, having a huge freaking gaping  security hole in a core
service is not something I feel comfortable about, same as running a
thousand Win95 boxes "behind a firewall" sends shivers down my spine.

Depends on the firewall and the services it's letting through. That
kind of thing can be controlled with tight policies, service-centric
segmentation, server-centric subnets, and desktop A/V. This is
not rocket science. It's just not WHAT PEOPLE WANT. They
want to accept dumbness and let those Windows boxes get to
Instant Messenger, Peer-to-peer file sharing, remote control
desktop, and dancing animated pigs that run on their desktops.
They want dumbness.

It may be just me, but it sounds like you are arguing that people's
mainstream desktop OSes should be something that can be easily hardened on a
service-centric basis, understand true user / kernel / virtualisation
separation and yet have full enterprise functionality.

No, I think networks need to be segregated into roles, access needs
to be mediated on a service level and minimized. Yes, desktops
that are vulnerable to malcode should have malcode protection
(my desktop AV clobbers about 1 or 2 viruses a week that get
through my spam filters and attachment blockers) and core
services that are mission critical need to be run on real operating
systems not glorified program loaders which were designed to
appeal to dummies.

If anybody else advanced this theory I would snort milk through my nose.

I'd pay to watch that!!!!!!!

With you I will just say that you are five years ahead of your time.

What?? I've been saying EXACTLY THE SAME THING since

*BUT* Peter Neumann has been saying EXACTLY THE SAME THING
since 1963 or thereabouts. I was 1 year old then.

Dude, I'm not "advanced" I'm "retro" !!!! :)

I am
100% behind you as an idealist, but, as a professional, I don't see that as
useful right now. :D

Because you're stuck in the dumbness. When you're up to your
neck in wet horse manure and you've got a shovel in your hand,
it's hard to think about just getting out of the manure and going
someplace else. After all, you've got a perfectly good shovel,
and the next shovel load might be the one that turns the tide...

Keep shovelling,

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