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Tomedo Server - Weak encryption mech.

From: ProSec Security Team <security () prosec-networks com>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 08:56:24 +0200

Hello together, 

we’ve found the following vulnerability below. 

Affected software: Tomedo Server 1.7.3
Vulnerability type: Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information & Weak Cryptography for Passwords
Vulnerable version: Tomedo Server 1.7.3
Vulnerable component: Customer Tomedo Server that communicates with Vendor Tomedo Update Server
Vendor report confidence: Confirmed
Fixed version: Version later then 1.7.3
Vendor notification: 20/09/19
Solution date: 25/09/19
CVE reference: CVE-2019-17393
CVSS Score: 3.1/AV:A/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N 
Credits: Chris Hein, ProSec GmbH
Communication Timeline: 
20th September 2019 Initial contact - no response
25th September second contact attempt
28th September Vendor responded and released an update
14th October fulldisclosure 

Vulnerability Details:
The Customer’s Tomedo Server in Version 1.7.3 communicates to the Vendor Tomedo Server via HTTP (in cleartext) that can 
be sniffed by unauthorized actors.
Basic authentication is used for the authentication what’s makes it possible to base64 decode the sniffed credentials 
and get hold of the username and password.

Proof of concept:
Capture the traffic between the Tomedo servers via a proxy or a MITM attack and base64 decode the credentials from the 
HTTP GET request.

Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen 

Dr. h.c. Tim Schughart 
CEO / Geschäftsführer  

ProSec GmbH
Robert-Koch-Straße 1-9
56751 Polch 

Website: https://www.prosec-networks.com 
E-Mail: info () prosec networks com 
Phone: +49 (0)261 450 930 90

Sitz der Gesellschaft / Company domiciled in: Polch
Registergericht / registry Court: Amtsgericht Koblenz, HRB 26457
Geschäftsführer: Tim Schughart
UST-IdNr./ VAT ID: DE321817516

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