funsec mailing list archives

RE: funsec Digest, Vol 14, Issue 45

From: "Randall M" <randallm () fidmail com>
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 14:51:46 -0500

Dr. Neal Krawetz wrote:

[Message: 5
[Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 16:09:46 -0600 (MDT)
[From: "Dr. Neal Krawetz" <hf () hackerfactor com>
[Subject: Re: [funsec] Who is n3td3v?
[To: ge () linuxbox org (Gadi Evron)
[Cc: funsec () linuxbox org, hf () hackerfactor com
[Message-ID: <200610202209.k9KM9ki28092 () hackerfactor com>
[Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
[On Fri Oct 20 15:49:53 2006, Gadi Evron wrote:
[> Cool article, but n3td3v is not gobbles. For one, easy 
[analysis shows 
[> he is English.
[>      Gadi.
[Thanks Gadi.
[However, I'm going to call you on this:
[1. What "easy analysis" are you using?
[   I listed my approaches.  If you are using a different approach, I'd
[   like to hear what it is.  (I'm not trying to be argumentative -- I
[   want to learn.)
[2. You said, "n3td3v is not gobbles".
[   Do you know for a fact that n3td3v is not Gobbles Security?
[   Or is this an interpretation?
[   If you know for a fact, then how do you know?
[On 1-Sep-2006, a new person controlling the n3td3v account appeared.
[He is likely English/Brit (based on the topics he posted).  
[But I did not see enough text to analyze.
[The older n3td3v postings were by 3 people, not one person.
[(And primarily by three people -- a few postings were 
[ambiguous and could indicate more people.)
[                                       -Neal
[Neal Krawetz, Ph.D.
[Hacker Factor Solutions

I have always leaned toward n3td3v being a group or at the least head of
one. My reasoning is always references to such like this:

From: n3td3v <>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 23:54:08 +0000

Go study internet security for 7 years, do CS at college, learn
computer programming in C++ and PHP, find hacks for Google/ Yahoo,
setup your own security group, be friends with hundreds of people in
multiple scenes, have IM and E-mail contact with some of Yahoo's top
security advisors and security engineers, then you can come back to
this list and challenge me. FOOL! 

Note the "go setup your own security group" statement. 


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