Interesting People: by date

99 messages starting Dec 01 95 and ending Dec 31 95
Date index | Thread index | Author index

Friday, 01 December

IP: Text of new Exon proposal Dave Farber

Saturday, 02 December

IP: NSF - from whats new Dave Farber
IP: NAS study and NSF - from whats new Dave Farber
IP: NSC Announce -- iPower home page/CryptoSampler announcement Dave Farber
IP: MITI viewpoint on US-Japan relations Dave Farber
IP: Re: Text of new Exon proposal Dave Farber
IP: more on Exon proposal and NYT Dave Farber
IP: Info on Netscape's key escrow position Dave Farber
IP: Japan -- Tokyo Report - part 2 Dave Farber

Sunday, 03 December

IP: Sixth Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Dave Farber
IP: Alsop on Gates' CD-ROM Dave Farber
IP: Java Cup International -- $1,000,000 in prizes Dave Farber

Monday, 04 December

IP: Magic Cap for Windows Dave Farber
IP: Doubts About the Fantasy Dave Farber
IP: Gates: Jiffy Iffy Crypto Dave Farber
IP: UK Labour Party policy on encryption Dave Farber
IP: Hse. Conferees Set To Vote On Fate of Net Dave Farber
IP: NSA Frisbee [EXTREMELY FRIVOLOUS] [ take a peak djf] Dave Farber
IP: eff position on bills Dave Farber
IP: a very impressive on-line news paper? Dave Farber

Tuesday, 05 December

IP: Doubts About the Fantasy Dave Farber
IP: From Barlow -- Congress is about to blow it! Dave Farber
IP: Rep. White letter on Internet censorship legislation, to Dave Farber
IP: A Report on the International Trade in Surveillance Dave Farber

Wednesday, 06 December

IP: EFFector Online 08.19 * EFF Statement & Last Chance on Dave Farber
NIST GAK export meeting, Long version part 1 Dave Farber
IP: rumor on Netscape and Escrow Dave Farber
IP: bit more in Netscape and key escrow Dave Farber
IP: CWD--The Net Gets the Shaft Dave Farber
IP: On applied realpolitics Dave Farber
IP: ThinkQuestSM -- A New Way to Learn Via the Internet Dave Farber
IP: James Reston Dave Farber

Thursday, 07 December

IP: Deregulation, Opening of Networks, and the Break-up of NTT Dave Farber

Friday, 08 December

IP: Exporting to Jersey Dave Farber
IP: Information Technology for Control of Money Laundering Dave Farber

Saturday, 09 December

IP: Metcalfe's Doom and Gloom on Video over the Internet Dave Farber
IP: Congress vs. the Internet Dave Farber
IP: Rally in SanFran meatspace to protest censorship in Dave Farber
IP: great quote (also very appropriate last name) Dave Farber

Sunday, 10 December

IP: NSA rigs Crypto machines according to Balto Sun Dave Farber
David Hipschman Cyberland Column this week Dave Farber
IP: Timing cryptanalysis of RSA, DH, DSS Dave Farber

Monday, 11 December

IP: Mike Godwin speech in San Francisco Dave Farber

Tuesday, 12 December

IP: TIME on Net Censorship Dave Farber
IP: The Diety is now invoked Dave Farber
IP: Today's Baltimore Sun on the NSA...[note postscript djf] Dave Farber
IP: Re: IP: bit more in Netscape and key escrow Dave Farber

Wednesday, 13 December

IP New time (storm)SF RALLY -- THURSDAY Dave Farber
IP: challange to CommerceNet stats [I will post Lewis's story Dave Farber
IP: request for contact Dave Farber

Thursday, 14 December

IP: EPIC Alert 2.16 Dave Farber

Saturday, 16 December

IP: Warfare in the Information Age Dave Farber
IP: More Balto Sun on the NSA: Infowar Dave Farber

Tuesday, 19 December

IP: Gordon Bell wins Bell vs. Hillis Dave Farber
IP: NASA environmental destruction [for a snowy cold day djf] Dave Farber

Wednesday, 20 December

IP: FTC Privacy Initiative Dave Farber

Thursday, 21 December

IP: Bell v. Hillis: What about "Toy Story"? Dave Farber
a message to Japan re our censorship bill Dave Farber
my public key Dave Farber
IP: from Bell RE: Bell v. Hillis: What about "Toy Story"? Dave Farber
IP: Santa the sys admin [some seasonal humor djf] Dave Farber
IP: ten most dimwitted members of Congress [ if this offends Dave Farber

Friday, 22 December

IP: Navy hacked by Air Force? Dave Farber
IP: Toy Story stats Dave Farber
IP: RFC 1882 (for real) The 12-Days of Technology Before Dave Farber
IP: Paris Kanellakis Dave Farber
IP: any lobbists out there Dave Farber
IP: from an open letter from the ACLU on the Censorship bill Dave Farber

Saturday, 23 December

IP: Fields statement on Telecom Bill (via Bell Atlantic) Dave Farber

Sunday, 24 December

IP: CPSR analysis of state of the TeCom bill Dave Farber

Tuesday, 26 December

IP: Open positions at KTH/Teleinformatics [ a favor for an Dave Farber

Wednesday, 27 December

IP: Help children !!! This Houghton-Mifflin book plan is real. Dave Farber
IP: FCC Millimeter wave news part 1 of 3 Dave Farber
IP: FCC Millimeter wave news part 2 of 3 Dave Farber
IP: FCC Millimeter wave news part 3 of 3 Dave Farber
IP: German government orders censorship of CompuServe -- a Dave Farber
Re: IP: German government orders censorship of CompuServe -- a sign of things John Perry Barlow

Thursday, 28 December

IP: Re: German government orders censorship of CompuServe -- a Dave Farber
IP: Telecommunication regulator - recipe for success Dave Farber
IP: First Internet "Strike" Used in France and Italy Protests Dave Farber
IP: German censorship of CIS is even more grave than first Dave Farber
IP: Re: German government orders censorship of CompuServe -- a Dave Farber

Friday, 29 December

IP: Net'strike Disclaimer Dave Farber
IP: Germany admits probe; claims CompuServe blocked voluntarily Dave Farber
IP: do visit my home page after sunday for the real audio Dave Farber
IP: Some comments from people who have lived in Germany on Dave Farber
IP: Telecom Bill Rewrite [ obtained via cyberpunk distribution Dave Farber

Saturday, 30 December

IP: Three Charged in Cyber Crimes -- anyone have more details Dave Farber
IP: Re: Germany / Clarinet Ban Dave Farber
IP: a VERY interesting exhibit on Banned Books -- mulyimedia Dave Farber
IP: Re: IP: Telecom Bill Rewrite [ obtained via cyberpunk Dave Farber

Sunday, 31 December

IP: Some more comments from people who have lived in Germany Dave Farber
IP: China and censorship Dave Farber