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IP: EPA web site shut down

From: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 15:38:58 -0500

From: "Rick Blum" <blumr () ombwatch org>
To: Farber () cis upenn edu

Dave --  I'm a long-time lurker on IP.  We sent this around
yesterday and thought you'd be interested, if you haven't already
seen the story.

Rick Blum
OMB Watch

Late Wednesday night EPA shut down its entire Internet services,
including its web site and staff email.

Our conclusion is that there is no rationale for the unprecedented
shutting down of the EPA web site and email services, cutting off a
major means for the public to communicate with EPA.   There is no
question that EPA has computer vulnerabilities, but these could
have been resolved with good computer management. In the
meantime, Rep. Bliley (R-VA), the chair of the House Commerce
Committee, basically held a gun to EPA's head, effectively telling
EPA to shut down its site or it would put information out about
security risks, making it easier for the public to hack EPA's site,
instead of helping EPA make fixes.  This does not exonerate EPA.
 EPA has known about its computer vulnerabilities for some time
and has done little to fix the problems.  Despite the computer
problems at EPA, there was no "crisis."  The General Accounting
Office never recommended shutting down the EPA site, but Bliley,
who has done the bidding of powerful special interests, has acted
to thwart public access.

Some months ago Rep. Thomas Bliley (R-VA), the chair of the
House Commerce Committee, requested the General Accounting
Office (GAO) to do a computer security audit at EPA.  As the audit
was coming to a close, GAO was required to share the information
with EPA.  But, reportedly, Bliley was upset since he didn't want
EPA fixing the problems.  Rather, he wanted to bash EPA.  He
required GAO to give him a copy of the letter to EPA and then, it is
rumored, he leaked some portions to the press, making the
problems at EPA sound horrendous.

GAO did, however, find "serious and pervasive problems that
essentially render EPA's agencywide information security program
ineffective."  The problems at EPA mostly dealt with bad to poor
computer management: ineffective firewalls; lack of controls (e.g.,
passwords); logs that didn't capture hackers; computer doors that
had been left open.  GAO found EPA's "vulnerabilities...have been
exploited by both external and internal sources."  It appears that
GAO was able to take control of the router and then capture the
password of anyone logging on to the system.

GAO does not have evidence of data being tampered with or
violations of trade secrets or enforcement data.  In some cases
where there were violations, it resulted in criminal investigations.
And while there are big problems, GAO never recommended that
EPA shut its web site down.  (In fact, GAO has found computer
security problems at other agencies, such as State Dept, but it
appears no agency has completely and this thoroughly cut off its
Internet connection and email services.)

Bliley planned a hearing today (2/17) on EPA computer security
and had asked GAO to testify.  EPA raised concerns about holding
the hearing.  Reportedly, Bliley gave EPA an ultimatum:  shut
down the EPA web site and all email services or the public would
hear about how to hack the EPA web site.  EPA decided to shut
down their Internet services last night.

Bliley postponed the hearing but called a press conference at 1
p.m. on Friday.  At the press conference, Bliley released the GAO
testimony and supported EPA's decision to shut down the web
site.  EPA claims it was disappointed that it had to shut down.

According to folks in the White House, EPA is quickly trying to put
the public web site back up and sever its connection to the internal
systems.  It is not clear when this will happen.

There are many issues that this "crisis" raises, but two stick out.

First, if EPA had security violations, why didn't Bliley give EPA the
time that is needed to fix the problems that GAO found?  Why did
he hold a gun to EPA's head?  Even if there were computer
security problems, it could have been handled in a manner that did
not disrupt public access to the agency and did not create a

This raises questions about Bliley's objectives.  Maybe it is a
coincidence that a number of his campaign contributors are
regulated by EPA.  For example, a large grouping of contributors
are from the mining and electrical gas sectors, which for the first
time will need to report to EPA on toxic releases.  Some of his
larger contributors are listed as major polluters.  Bliley is the same
person who pushed the terrorism argument last summer as a
reason to withhold public access to information about chemical
hazards in our communities.  Instead of improving public access,
Bliley has taken a course of thwarting EPA and, hence, public

Second, EPA has known for many years that it has computer
management problems.  Inspector General reports since 1997 have
raised concerns, but little has been done to fix the problems.
When GAO showed EPA it had problems, why didn't it
immediately address these problems?

EPA Administrator Browner took the helpful step to create an
Information Office within EPA.  But since then no one has been
appointed to run the office.  Increasingly, the Office is proving to be
less than useful, maybe even a major disappointment.  Why has
the Office not taken the leadership to develop a comprehensive
information plan that covers computer management issues?
Rick Blum                      P:       (202) 234-8494
OMB Watch (CFC #0889)          F:       (202) 234-8584
1742 Connecticut Ave NW        Em:  blumr () ombwatch org
Washington, DC  20009-1171
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