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From: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 21:08:59 -0400

Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 20:43:44 -0400
Subject: FYI
From: Gary Johnston <ki4la () arrl org>
To: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>


The FCC's Dale Hatfield, W0IFO, predicts a bright future for Amateur Radio.
But the Office of Engineering and Technology chief says that amateurs "will
be under a certain amount of pressure" to justify their free use of the
radio spectrum. As a result, he said, it will be more important than ever
that hams actually fulfill their service, good will and educational
roles--not just talk about them.

Hatfield offered his observations as keynote speaker for AMRAD's 25th
anniversary dinner June 17 in Virginia. Hatfield told the gathering, "the
key issue for the amateur service is maintaining access to an adequate
amount of spectrum." While emphasizing that he was not suggesting any
immediate threat, Hatfield said hams will have to do a better job of
justifying their current allocations.

Hatfield said hams should actually engage in experimentation to advance the
state-of-the-art, provide communication and train operators for emergencies,
encourage international cooperation and good will, and offer an important
technical educational outlet. "Or, to use a bit of slang, it seems to me
that it will be even more important for all segments of the amateur
community to 'walk the walk' not just 'talk the talk'," he said.

Hatfield encouraged his audience to explore advanced techniques that
conserve spectrum, especially digital techniques. As the rest of the
telecommunications world transitions to digital techniques, Hatfield said,
"the amateur service will look antiquated if it is not making progress in
that direction as well."

Hatfield also said software defined radios could facilitate "a new era of
amateur experimentation" and, in many ways, represent  "a final merger" of
radio communications and computers.

The text of Hatfield's prepared remarks is available on the FCC Web site at

...sent by IP list member...

+-------Gary L. Johnston KI4LA---------+
|            Vice Director             |
|      ARRL Great Lakes Division       |
|          ARRL - The National         |
|     Association for Amateur Radio    |
|           ki4la () arrl org             |
|          425-984-7957 eFAX           |
|      |
|    http://www.MrRace.Com/ARRL/       |
+-----Visit Our Division Web Site------+

"I am only one, but I am one.  I cannot do everything, but I will not let 
what I cannot do interfere with what I can do."
                                      - Edward Everette Hale

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                      - Ben Franklin, ~1784

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