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IP: The Center Can Hold

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 04:46:26 -0500

The Center Can Hold



ASHINGTON -- "Things fall apart," bemoaned the poet Yeats, "the center cannot hold. . . ."

Not so today. In three critical areas, the center is holding up fine.

1. Missile Offense and Defense: The Shanghai "no-deal deal" between President Bush and Vladimir Putin, which seemed to go off the tracks at their summit in Crawford, Tex., is now back on.

The U.S. will "unilaterally" reduce its offensive nuclear missile stockpile to 2,000 or less, a level that the Russians can afford to maintain. That's a relief to Colin Powell coalitionaries. Meanwhile, as urged by the Rice-Rumsfeld right, the U.S. will exercise its option to withdraw from the cold-war ABM treaty, enabling us to build a limited missile defense against rogue states and terrorist groups.

In the U.S., this reassures hard-line strategists who are troubled by our huge stockpile reduction and who have insisted Bush live up to his missile-defense campaign pledge. Soft-liners like Senator Joe Biden and consterned scientists will grump, but their ranks are thinned by the growing prospect of a Saddam or independent terrorist buying or building a nuke that could take out a U.S. city.

Putin will sulk about ABM withdrawal but has to accept the double unilateral. Result: weaker missile offense, stronger missile defense — a good deal for all medium-liners.

2. The Anti-Recession Deficit: The president and the Republican House steered right, offering speeded-up tax cuts for all taxpayers and a tax-cut bonanza for big business. The Democratic Senate steered left, preferring direct assistance to the growing number of unemployed. Result: impasse.

But lo! Bush has just signaled his willingness to aid the jobless with longer benefits and assistance with health insurance, while denying major corporations much of the succor they seek. And the Democrat Tom Daschle, while still dragging a foot on speeding up cuts to individuals, responded with acceptance of tax breaks to business for job-creating investment. Both sides are flirting with the Republican Pete Domenici's idea of a short holiday from the payroll tax.

In a recession, temporary red ink is desirable. It now looks as if the lefty spenders and the righty tax-cutters will eschew their old lock-boxing and meet in the popular middle.

3. Prosecution of Suspected Terrorists: Only last week, Attorney General John Ashcroft was smearing all who opposed his proposed secret military trials in the U.S. as unpatriotic aiders of terrorists. He adjudged American judges unable to protect secrets and American juries too craven to convict terrorists.

Evidently cooler heads are prevailing. The first indictment related to the Sept. 11 attack was filed this week in a civilian criminal court, not a military tribunal. The venue chosen by Michael Chertoff, head of Justice's Criminal Division, was the Eastern District of Virginia, where jurors are not easily intimidated and are not averse to the death penalty.

Meanwhile, at the Defense Department, Secretary Donald Rumsfeld treated the concerns expressed about civil liberty as "useful." He turned for guidance on military tribunals for Al Qaeda leaders to such tough-minded and respected legal minds as Judge William Webster, former F.B.I. and C.I.A. chief, and Lloyd Cutler, adviser to presidents, it seems, since Lincoln.

The Pentagon refinement of the president's military order may well incorporate rights to the accused that are in today's Uniform Code of Military Justice but were expressly denied in his original, hastily drawn order.

Such a defender of personal freedom as the conservative representative Bob Barr of Georgia does not challenge the president's authority to convene a military tribunal overseas to do speedy justice to non-U.S. citizens. But if such trials are held inside the U.S., he says, the president is required to ask for a declaration of war (which Barr introduced) or to seek specific authorization by Congress.

What we are likely to get, if Bush is wise enough to ask for it, is Congressional approval of overseas trials of terrorist leaders by military courts adhering to basic standards of U.S. military justice. Most civil libertarians as well as Ashcroftite zealots would express a degree of satisfaction with this, just as they have with the trial of the accused conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui in a regular criminal court in Alexandria, Va.

Thus is the center holding. Nothing is falling apart. The falcon hears the falconer loud and clear.

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