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more on Jobs 9/11 Disney and Apple

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 14:22:13 +0900

Begin forwarded message:

From: Richard Pauli <rpauli () speakeasy net>
Date: September 13, 2006 1:22:18 PM JST
To: dave () farber net
Subject: Fwd: [IP] more on Jobs 9/11 Disney and Apple


The movie "Path to 9/11" has it all wrong.

It is very dangerous to have a major broadcaster, licensed by the FCC - be allowed to twist facts and propagandize. Just because there was balance does not mean it was fair or truthful. This movie rewrote history - this was not a Michael Moore film, this was made by ABC-TV - we should expect higher standards.

As to the facts, you may recall much from the many news articles back then - some in Time Magazine and NYTimes that covered the situation in Afghanistan. After the Russians were expelled, Commander Massoud was the greatest promise for Afghans, and was strongly independent of both US influence and Islamic radicalism. As far as anyone knows, neither the CIA, nor any US agents ever got near Massoud. He was notorious for that and the filmmakers should have known that.

So the movie fiction of the phone calls to agents on the ground with him was total fiction. And members of the former administration are speaking out about other inaccuracies.

Besides, the real and factual events that made up the Path to 9/11 were far more interesting and dramatic.


Richard Pauli

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Subject: [IP] more on  Jobs 9/11 Disney and Apple
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 12:19:48 +0900
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Begin forwarded message:

From: Tim Onosko <onosko () gmail com>
Date: September 13, 2006 11:27:02 AM JST
To: dave () farber net
Subject: Re: [IP] Jobs 9/11 Disney and Apple
Reply-To: tim () onosko com

Dave Farber:

I am neither a conservative nor a Republican, but I watched the ABC
film, "The Path to 9/11" on the advice of a friend (a respected
historian and someone whom i would consider a poltical liberal) who
has worked with the writer of this miniseries before.  I wonder who
among those objecting to the program have bothered to watch the film?

First, with regard to fairness shown toward the Clinton
administration, the cruise missile attack on the Sudan, which was
widely criticized at the time (by Republicans and conservatives, no
less) as the "Wag the Dog" scenario to distract from the Monica
Lewinsky issue, is depicted in a different light and I had new
respect for that action considering it in the context shown.  And,
again with regard to even-handedness, there is also a scathing scene
in which Condoleeza Rice demotes special adviser Richard Clarke, all
the while describing it as a restructuring and reassignment.  If
anything, my impression is that it is the bureaucracy that is
depicted as the real enemy, and characters representing both
administrations use compromised language with equal ease.

Second, if the film fails, it is because it may be overly ambitious.
My own speculation is that someone at ABC watched (and admired)
"Syriana" and thought that it was an appropriate direction for this
TV film.  While I don't think it comes near meeting "Syriana" for
quality of writing, acting, direction, etc., this might have been a
good goal.  The problem is that "Path" is twice as long and is an
endless litany of (mostly Arabic) names and places.   Many audiences
found "Syriana" confusing (although I didn't), so a sizable portion
of the ABC audience must have tuned out early, I suspect.

I consider myself informed on the subject of 9/11, and I admired Adam
Curtis'  excellent BBC documentary, "The Power of Nightmares" (mostly
for its superb historical background) but the sheer hailstorm of
detail in "Path" was daunting, even for me.  It required attention
that I'm sure many viewers were not accustomed to devoting to a TV show.

I don't know if I am defending "Path to 9/11" or not, but I do
question those who dismiss it without the benefit of having seen it.
I think that is unfair to any filmmaker or writer who dares put forth
his or her work to be criticized without due consideration.
Moreover, Americans need to be more informed about the events and
people that have led to the current Middle East situation, not less.
And this film is not as easy to dismiss as its critics would have us
think.  I does serve a purpose, if only to stimulate debate.

The notion that Apple shouldn't do business with Disney/ABC because
of this is simplistic and, in my opinion, completely silly.

-- Tim Onosko

On 9/12/06, David Farber <dave () farber net> wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: hugh crawford <hugh-list () thoughtballoon com>
Date: September 12, 2006 1:09:01 PM JST
To: David Farber < dave () farber net>
Subject: Jobs 9/11 Disney and Apple

Perhaps someone on the IP list will be in a position at the Apple
press event Tuesday to ask Steve Jobs how he feels about Disney
possibly alienating a sizable percentage of Apple's customers with
The Road To 9/11.

I've been hearing a growing murmur of an Apple boycott over The Road
To 9/11, and I'd love to hear anything that Jobs would have to say
regarding the impact of Disney/ABC's product on Apple's profitability
and ability to develop new products


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