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Internet Money in Fiscal Plan - Wise or Waste? -

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 21:09:47 -0500

February 3, 2009
Internet Money in Fiscal Plan: Wise or Waste?

WASHINGTON — At first glance, perhaps no line item in the nearly $900 billion stimulus program under consideration on Capitol Hill would seem to offer a more perfect way to jump-start the economy than the billions pegged to expand broadband Internet service to rural and underserved areas.

Proponents say it will create jobs, build crucial infrastructure and begin to fulfill one of President Obama’s major campaign promises: to expand the information superhighway to every corner of the land, giving local businesses an electronic edge and offering residents a dazzling array of services like online health care and virtual college courses.

But experts warn that the rural broadband effort could just as easily become a $9 billion cyberbridge to nowhere, representing the worst kind of mistakes that lawmakers could make in rushing to approve one of the largest spending bills in history without considering unintended results.

“The first rule of technology investment is you spend time understanding the end user, what they need and the conditions under which they will use the technology,” said Craig Settles, an industry analyst and consultant who has studied broadband applications in rural and urban areas. “If you don’t do this well, you end up throwing millions or, in this case, potentially billions down a rat hole. You will spend money for things that people don’t need or can’t use.”

Dozens of programs included in the stimulus measure could entail a similarly complicated cost-benefit analysis. But with Congress and the White House intent on adopting the economic recovery package by the end of next week, taxpayers are unlikely to find out whether these programs are great investments or a total waste — or something in between — until long after the money is out the door.

The proposals for expanding broadband service offer a particularly useful case study because the potential benefits of wider network access are indisputable. And yet, supporters cannot simply wave away the potential pitfalls, including the fact that it will take at least until 2015 to spend all the money on infrastructure to deliver the service — vastly limiting the stimulating punch.

The Congressional Budget Office said Monday that, over all, the Senate version of the stimulus package would provide a swifter boost to the economy, with a combined $694 billion in spending and tax breaks by October 2010, compared with $526 billion for the bill that the House approved.

The total cost of the Senate bill is $884 billion over 10 years, $64 billion more than the House plan. The new cost analysis came as the Senate opened debate on the recovery package and Democrats Congressional leaders met with Mr. Obama at the White House to discuss the looming floor fight.

Senate Republicans, meanwhile, said they would push hard for changes, like a provision to help all creditworthy homeowners refinance their mortgages at rates of 4.5 percent or lower.

Changes to the broadband proposal are also possible. Already there has been sharp criticism of $110 million in tax breaks in the Senate bill that could benefit large Internet service providers. “I do see a motivation to try to stimulate the economy,” said Brett Glass, the founder of, an Internet service provider in Laramie, Wyo., who is an advocate for expanded broadband access. “I think that’s a good thing. I also see a motivation to hand out money to certain large corporations that are very good at lobbying.”

Critics like Mr. Glass say the legislation being developed in Congress is flawed in various ways that could mean much of the money is wasted, or potentially not spent at all — arguably just as bad an outcome given that the most immediate goal of the stimulus measure is to pump new spending into the economy.

An “open access” requirement in the bill might discourage some companies from applying for grants because any investments in broadband infrastructure could benefit competitors who would gain access to the network down the line.

Meeting minimum speed requirements set forth in the House version could force overly costly investments by essentially providing Cadillac service where an economy car would be just as useful. And some worry that government may pay for technology that will be obsolete even before the work is completed.

“Really the devil is in the details,” Mr. Glass said. “Yes, there is $9 billion worth of good that we can do, but the bill doesn’t target the funds toward those needs.”

Other critics say the effort will provide neither a true nationwide information superhighway, which some advocacy groups say will cost up to $100 billion, nor a good short-term lift to the economy, because there are so many requirements to be met in applying for federal broadband grants.

The broadband effort also runs another risk inherent to government stimulus spending, by reducing private investment. Experts say tax money should be used only where private firms clearly cannot profit. But even figuring out where service is needed is not easy. There is $350 million in the bill to develop a “comprehensive nationwide inventory map of existing broadband service.”

Supporters of the measure say the potential benefits of broadband access outweigh any risks.

“Broadband can be the great equalizer between the rural areas and the urban-suburban areas,” said Representative Mike McIntyre, a North Carolina Democrat who is the chairman of a subcommittee on rural development.

Mr. McIntyre said his district, in a rural part of the state, had seen many benefits from broadband — not just in businesses but also in schools and health care clinics, which can now link via the Internet to top research hospitals more than 100 miles away. But he said several counties still had little broadband coverage.

Other supporters said that while the bill could be improved, the core proposal — grant programs to provide billions for wired and wireless network development — is solid policy.

“They are targeted at rural underserved areas,” said Ben Scott, the policy director for Free Press, an advocacy group. “They are pegged to a speed requirement, a build-out requirement and consumer protections like open-network requirements. These are all ways to make sure that the money is used properly and is not just a handout that props up the stock price of an ailing telco.”

Senator Ben Nelson, Democrat of Nebraska, has said he will press to remove provisions that do not provide a relatively quick jolt to the economy. Mr. Nelson said that money should be available for broadband projects ready to roll.

“We can’t sit around waiting for the perfect in technology when we have the good before us,” he said.

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