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Before Arguing About DNA Tests, Learn the Science Behind Them

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2018 20:34:27 +0900

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From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne () warpspeed com>
Date: October 19, 2018 at 7:21:44 PM GMT+9
To: Multiple recipients of Dewayne-Net <dewayne-net () warpspeed com>
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] Before Arguing About DNA Tests, Learn the Science Behind Them
Reply-To: dewayne-net () warpspeed com

Before Arguing About DNA Tests, Learn the Science Behind Them
Our genetic code cannot be treated as a matter of simple fractions.
By Carl Zimmer
Oct 18 2018

People have always told stories about their ancestral origins. But now millions of people are looking at their DNA to 
see if those stories hold up. While genetic tests can indeed reveal some secrets about our family past, we can also 
jump to the wrong conclusions from their results. 

The reception of Senator Elizabeth Warren’s DNA results is a textbook case in this confusion.

On Monday morning, Senator Warren released an analysis on her DNA showing that six to 10 generations back she had a 
Native American ancestor. Within hours, Michael Ahrens, an official at the Republican National Committee, dismissed 
the results in a tweet:

“So Elizabeth Warren is possibly 1/1024 (0.09 percent) Native American. Scientists say the average European-American 
is 0.18 percent Native American. That’d make Warren even less Native American than the average European-American.” 

By Monday afternoon, James Freeman, an assistant editor of The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, had fleshed out 
Mr. Ahrens’s arithmetic. The DNA analysis, he wrote, “suggests that the senator is somewhere between 1/64th and 
1/1024th Native American.” He added: “Her genetic makeup is perhaps similar to that of the average white person in 
the U.S.”

These numbers then began ricochet around social media. They carried a clear implication: that Elizabeth Warren was no 
different in her Native American ancestry than a great many other white Americans.

Both Mr. Ahrens and Mr. Freeman cited a 2014 New York Times article as evidence for their claims. I wrote that 
article. So let me just say this: They’re wrong.

They both mistakenly treat DNA as a matter of simple fractions. We each have two parents, the thinking goes, so 
therefore we inherit half of each parent’s DNA. From each grandparent we inherit precisely a quarter of our DNA, and 
so on by the powers of two back into the mists of time. This is how they came up with the 1/1024th figure — two 
parents, each with two parents, going back 10 generations.

This misguided way of thinking has a history that extends far beyond the discovery of DNA. For centuries, people 
thought of ancestry in terms of blood, and fractions of it. People were pure-blooded or half-blooded. When the United 
States government set up rules for deciding who could be members of Native American tribes, it called the system 
“blood quantum.”

Slavery, too, led to an obsession with increasingly tiny fractions of ancestral blood, reaching the absurd extreme of 
the “one drop” rule. A single black ancestor — no matter how far back in the family tree, no matter how tiny the 
mythical drop of blood he or she contributed — was enough to make a person black.

Blood still soaks our language about heredity. Reporting Monday on Senator Warren’s test, The Atlanta Journal 
Constitution wrote that “she may have Cherokee blood.”

But DNA is not a liquid that can be divided down into microscopic drops. It’s a string-like molecule, arranged into 
23 pairs of chromosomes, that gets passed down through the generations in a counterintuitive way.

Eggs and sperm randomly end up with one copy of each chromosome, coming either from a person’s mother or father. In 
the process, some DNA can shuffle from one chromosome to its partner. That means we inherit about a quarter of our 
DNA from each grandparent — but only on average. Any one person may inherit more DNA from one grandparent and less 
from another.

Over generations, this randomness can lead to something remarkable. Look back far enough in your family tree, and 
you’ll encounter ancestors from whom you inherit no DNA at all.

The geneticist Graham Coop of the University of California, Davis, and his colleagues have studied how DNA 
disappears. If you pick one of your ancestors from 10 generations back, the odds are around 50 percent that you carry 
any DNA from him or her. The odds get even worse beyond that.

Even if you get no DNA from many of your ancestors, they are still your ancestors. “Genetics,” Dr. Coop has noted, 
“is not genealogy.”

To understand Senator Warren’s ancestry, the geneticist Carlos Bustamante of Stanford University examined the 
sampling of DNA she inherited from some of her ancestors. He used software he and his colleagues have developed to 
compare stretches of DNA in one person to those in different populations.


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