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CRYPTO-GRAM, July 15, 2000

From: InfoSec News <isn () C4I ORG>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 04:00:01 -0500

Forwarded By: Bruce Schneier <schneier () counterpane com>


                 July 15, 2000

               by Bruce Schneier
                Founder and CTO
       Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.
            schneier () counterpane com

A free monthly newsletter providing summaries, analyses, insights, and
commentaries on computer security and cryptography.

Back issues are available at  To subscribe
or unsubscribe, see below.

Copyright (c) 2000 by Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.

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In this issue:
      Full Disclosure and the CIA
      Counterpane Internet Security News
      More Counterpane Internet Security News
      Even the President Can't Choose a Good Password
      The Doghouse:  Intuit QuickBooks
      Full Disclosure and Lockmaking
      Security Risks of Unicode
      Crypto-Gram Reprints
      Comments from Readers

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           Full Disclosure and the CIA

On its Web site, the New York Times published a previously classified
1954 CIA document about the overthrow of the Iranian government.  I'm
not sure how the New York Times got its hands on the document, but the
newspaper decided to redact the names of Iranian citizens involved in
the plot.

The document was a scanned PDF file.  What the Times did was to create
an overlay on the pages, and drew black boxes over the names they
wanted to obscure.  The result was a file that still had the original
digital information, but contained extra commands to obscure that
information.  Predictably, someone reverse-engineered the original
names (it was suprisingly easy) and posted the restored document.
The Times panicked and removed the original document, but it's too
late; copies are available on various sites worldwide.

Reactions to this have been bizarre, and almost uniformly missing the
point.  Here's one, by William Hugh Murray: "Protecting the identity
of intelligence sources is one of the few legitimate reasons for
government secrecy.  A 'freedom of information activist' does not
serve his own cause, much less our national interest, by such reckless
behavior."  Ignoring Murray's hubris in claiming to know someone's
motivations more strongly than he, what does this case have to do with
government secrecy?  It was the New York Times that decided to redact
the document, not the CIA.  The people who gave us the Pentagon Papers
decided, on their own, not to release information that the CIA
released to them.  This is very different than the government trying
to keep secrets.  The last time I checked, the Times is not part of
the intelligence community.

John Young, the activist Murray slams, makes classic full-disclosure
arguments.  The information was been published by the New York Times.
Even though it took some work to extract, people are extracting it.
Given this truth, it is better to release the information so that
everyone can have access to it -- not only those random few who
reverse-engineered the PDF file.  Young said "Those folks who are
named have a stake in knowing about it."

The opposing side has an equally predictable reaction: The information
should be kept secret.  Just because the New York Times erred and made
the information available to a few people doesn't mean that we should
compound the error and make the information available to everyone.

It's a complicated question, made even more muddy by the New York
Times's decision to redact the document.  If the CIA gave the New York
Times the document in unredacted form, why did the Times decide to
limit the public's knowledge of this information?

To me, this is a classic example of the power of full disclosure.
The information in question -- the names of the Iranian citizens --
has been released to the public.  Initially, it was known by only
those few who had the means to reverse-engineer the PDF file, and
those who learned as the information spread.  Left to its own devices,
this information would spread slowly.  Maybe someone who wants to do
these people harm would learn about this information; he certainly
already knows that this information exists.  Maybe some of the people
named would learn that they are named, and be able to take appropriate
action.  But this process is slow and haphazard.

Better is to release the information to everyone, quickly.  This
limits the damage that can be done.  The people named are more likely
to find out they are named, and they are more likely to find out about
it quickly.  Those who want to take advantage of the relative secrecy
of the information cannot.  Everyone knows, and this levels the
playing field.  It is the situation where only a few random people
know, and others find out piecemeal, that is unstable and dangerous.

News articles:

The document:

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       Counterpane Internet Security News

Counterpane is pleased to announce a new insurance tie-in with Lloyd's
of London.  This is an exclusive offering for Counterpane customers:
if Counterpane monitors your network, then you can purchase this
insurance.  For the first time ever, organizations can buy insurance
against hacking without a security audit and without regard to the
particular security products they use.  Organizations can also buy,
for the first time ever, warranty coverage that protects their
customers against loss of income and data.

Computer security has always been sold as "threat prevention."
Encryption, firewalls, anti-virus, PKI...these are all technologies
that prevent particular threats.  Threat prevention is a cost, and if
an organization doesn't understand the threats, then it might not be
willing to pay for prevention.  Real business security, on the other
hand, is about risk management.  Risk management is not a cost, it's a
way to make money.  If one organization can manage its risk better
than another, then it will be more profitable.  Smart companies
embrace risk, look for more of it, and figure out how to do business
in the face of it.

Looking at computer security as a risk management tool, there are many
more options than threat prevention.  There is detection and response:
managing risk by finding attacks in process and stopping them.  And
there is insurance: packaging risk and selling it to someone else.
These are the future of computer security, not prophylactic
technologies that promise a magical security blanket.

From the beginning, I have maintained that Counterpane Internet
Security will address the real problems in network security.  I have
never believed that simply installing products will ever protect you,
and have focused on the process of security.  One part of that process
is Managed Security Monitoring, which is what Counterpane's business
is.  The other part is insurance.  Now Counterpane customers, and only
Counterpane customers, have access to both.

Summary of the offering:

Counterpane Internet Security Inc., Lloyd's of London, Frank Crystal &
Co., and SafeOnline Ltd. have jointly developed a first-of-its-kind,
comprehensive risk management insurance solution specifically targeted
to meet the needs of today's e-businesses.

Up to $100 million in protection available.

Two products available:

1.  Internet Asset and Income Protection Coverage provides insurance
for Counterpane's Managed Security Monitoring customers who incur a
loss of or damage to information assets resulting from a breach of
security or technology failure.  Also covers business interruption due
to loss of use due to a breach.

2.  Internet Asset and Income Protection Warranty Plan for ISPs/ASPs
that utilize Counterpane's Managed Security Monitoring services; this
is a turnkey, insurance-backed warranty plan to extend the Internet
Asset and Income Protection to their customers.

These insurance products are sold through authorized insurance brokers.

Quick Summary:

Press Release:


White Paper describing the insurance offering and its context:

Press Coverage:

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     More Counterpane Internet Security News

More information on Counterpane's Managed Security Monitoring service
can be found at: <>

Bruce Schneier is speaking at BlackHat (July 26) and DefCon (July 29) in
Las Vegas.

Bruce Schneier will address the Digital Commerce Society of Boston on August 1.

At WebDefense, in Washington DC (Aug 9), Bruce Schneier will give a
talk entitled "What Level of Security Can We Reasonably Expect?"

For the full Counterpane conference schedule, see:

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Another interesting article on writing computer viruses:

Software (children's software, no less) that automatically spies on you:

The need for security.  Good article.

Problems with public-key infrastructures.  This article was written well
before I started thinking about the problems:

Countries are conducting military reconnaissance on U.S. computer networks:

Provocative articles on the risks of the new digital signature law:

Interesting cryptography story.  A political party in Mexico wants an
encryption key broken, because it believes that the resulting plaintext
will embarrass the ruling party.

Commentary on the hype surrounding computer-security press coverage.
I don't agree: I think that the current media hype will desensitize people
to the real threats and the real risks.

NATO releases a virus.  (There's enough odd in this story for me to doubt
its veracity, but who knows.)

The motives and psychology of the black-hat community.  Another good essay
by Lance Spitzner.

Publius is a system for anonymous, censorship-resistant publishing on the Web.
They're looking for people willing to host a Publius server.

The Secret Service is developing a Electronic Crimes Special Agent
Program.  Agents analyze new security products and alert vendors to

Failing dot-coms are selling private information:
More proof that they should never be allowed to collect it in the first
place, and that posted privacy policies aren't worth the phosphors they're
displayed on.

The Sega Dreamcast copy-protection scheme has been cracked.  Is anyone

Special news report on Echelon:
The government of France is investigating:

Interesting article on the lack of security in Australian government Web sites:
And other articles on the same topic:

There were rumors of hackers disrupting the Space Shuttle a few years
ago.  Here is what seems to be a coherent story:
NASA denies it:
The question to ask is: why in the world are these critical systems
attached to public networks in the first place?

Electronic Commerce: Who Carries the Risk of Fraud?

NIST has published an index of computer vulnerabilities.  Called ICAT,
it links users into a variety of publicly available vulnerability
databases and patch sites.  ICAT is not itself a vulnerability
database, but instead a searchable index leading one to vulnerability
resources and patch information.  ICAT allows one to search at a fine
granularity, a feature unavailable with most vulnerability databases,
by characterizing each vulnerability by over 40 attributes (including
software name and version number).  ICAT indexes the information
available in CERT advisories, ISS X-Force, Security Focus, NT Bugtraq,
Bugtraq, and a variety of vendor security and patch bulletins.  ICAT
uses the CVE vulnerability naming standard.

The insecurity of wireless computing:

New technology for recovering erased data on electronic media:

Good editorial.  The biggest problem in computer security is the user,
not the computer.

Lots of "pay-to-surf" sites are springing up, paying users to look at
web advertisements, along with a cottage industry of programs that
help rogue surfers bypass the rules and get paid anyway.

Social Security numbers of the rich and famous:

Internet voting is unsafe (no surprise), says a new study. News
article: <,1283,37504,00.html>
Actual study:

Spam with huge media attachments.  Anyone care to ponder the
implications for virus writers?

"The Carnivore," from the FBI.  An expert system that seaches through
email. <,4586,2601502,00.html>
The ACLU complains:

The Cyber Group Network Corp claims tob have a technology that allows
you to locate a stolen computer, remotely retrieve information from
it, and the destroy it.  Sounds a bit far fetched.  But they take
"security by obscurity to new heights:  "According to Nish Kapoor, a
spokesperson for The Cyber Group Network, the patent pending
technology that makes all this possible is being manufactured and
developed at a remote, top-secret location identified only as 'Area
74.'"  Wow. <>

And even worse, software that allows companies to track down (and
presumably prosecute) those who say unkind things about them on the
Internet.  What happened to free speech on the Internet?

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   Even the President Can't Choose a Good Password

According to a story regarding Clinton signing the e-signature bill
with a smart card:

"With a magnetic card and his dog Buddy's name as a password,
President Clinton e-signed a bill Friday that will make electronic
signatures as real as those on paper."

Note his choice of password.  It's five characters, all alphas, and
probably all lower case.  At least he doesn't keep it on a Post-it in
his desk.


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        The Doghouse:  Intuit QuickBooks

Intuit's QuickBooks is a finance manager for small companies.  It has
lots of great features and is one of the most popular financial
packages available.  Unfortunately, the security sucks.

The earliest versions of QuickBooks stored usernames and passwords in
the clear.  As the version number increased, so did the amount of
obfuscation:  first they XORed the data with a constant mask, then
they added some byte rotations and more bit twiddling.  The latest
versions of QuickBooks use DES to encrypt blocks of data containing a
username and the corresponding password.  This could have made the
system much harder to break, if only the decryption keys weren't
stored in the file.

To verify that the user has the correct password, QuickBooks looks up
the decryption key, decrypts the block, and compares the password the
user typed in to the one it just decrypted.  Nothing prevents an
unauthorized program from performing the same steps and printing out
all the usernames and passwords.

Thanks to Mike Stay for pointing this out.

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         Full Disclosure and Lockmaking

"In respect to lock-making, there can scarcely be such a thing as
dishonesty of intention: the inventor produces a lock which he
honestly thinks will possess such and such qualities; and he declares
his belief to the world.  If others differ from him in opinion
concerning those qualities, it is open to them to say so; and the
discussion, truthfully conducted, must lead to public advantage: the
discussion stimulates curiosity, and curiosity stimulates invention.
Nothing but a partial and limited view of the question could lead to
the opinion that harm can result: if there be harm, it will be much
more than counterbalanced by good."

-- Charles Tomlinson's Rudimentary Treatise on the Construction of
Locks, published around 1850.

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              Crypto-Gram Reprints

Those of you who have subscribed recently might have missed these
essays from back issues.

Declassifying SKIPJACK:

The Future of Crypto-Hacking:

Bungled SSL:

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            Security Risks of Unicode

Unicode is an international character set.  Like ASCII, it provides a
standard correspondence between the binary numbers that computers
understand and the letters, digits, and punctuation that people
understand.  But unlike ASCII, it seeks to provide a code for every
character in every language in the world.  To do this requires more
than 256 characters, the 8-bit ASCII character set; default Unicode
uses 16-bit characters, and there are rules to extend even that.

I don't know if anyone has considered the security implications of

Remember all those input validation attacks that were based on
replacing characters with alternate representations, or that explored
alternative delimiters?  For example, there was a hole in the IRIX Web
server: if you could replace spaces with tabs you could fool the
parser, and you could use hexadecimal escapes, strange quoting, and
nulls to defeat input validation.

The Unicode specification includes all sorts of complicated new escape
sequences.  They have things called UTF-8 and UTF-16, which allow
several possible representations of various character codes, several
different places where control-characters pop through, a scheme for
placing diacriticals and accents in separated characters (looking very
much like an escape), and hundreds of brand new punctuation characters
and otherwise nonalphabetic characters.

The philosophy behind the Unicode spec is to provide all possible
useful characters for applications that are 8- or 16-bit clean.  This
is admirable, but it is nearly impossible to filter a Unicode
character stream to decide what is "safe" in some application and what
is not.

What happens when:

- We start attaching semantics to the new characters as delimiters,
white space, etc?  With thousands of characters and new characters
being added all the time, it will be extremely difficult to categorize
all the possible characters consistently, and where there is
inconsistency, there tends to be security holes.

- Somebody uses "modifier" characters in an unexpected way?

- Somebody uses UTF-8 or UTF-16 to encode a conventional character in
a novel way to bypass validation checks?

With the ASCII character set, we could carefully study a small
selection of characters, categorize them clearly, and make relatively
straightforward decisions about the nature of each character.  And
even here, there have been mistakes (forgetting about tabs,
multicharacter control-sequence snafus, etc).  Still, a careful
designer can figure out a safe way to deal with any possible character
that can come off an untrusted wire by elimination if necessary.

With Unicode, we probably won't be able to get a consistent definition
of what to accept, what is a delimiter under what circumstance, or how
to handle arbitrary streams safely.  It's just a matter of time before
simple validators pass data and upper layer software, trying to be
helpful, attach magic-character semantics, and we have a brand-new
variety of security holes.

Unicode is just too complex to ever be secure.


My thanks to Jeffrey Streifling, who provided much of the material for this

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             Comments from Readers

From: Bernard Peek <Bernard () postar co uk>
Subject: Remotely Disabling Software

In the UK there is legal protection against disabling software by
remote commands.  In general this is illegal without the users' prior
consent.  It could be permitted if the user agreed to a software
license that contained appropriate clauses.  As I understand it, in
the absence of a prior agreement any supplier that disabled a program
running on a machine in the UK would be committing an offence within
UK jurisdiction.  Whether they triggered the event from elsewhere is
not a defence.

I believe that one software supplier embedded an undisclosed time-trap
in their program which would disable it.  The trap was sprung if the
supplier failed to switch it off.  They would only do that if the
customer failed to pay the final invoice.

One invoice was disputed and the trap was sprung.  The software
supplier was successfully prosecuted and had to pay a fine and

I note, with some interest, that some files have security certificates
with expiry dates, and that some programs will not work with expired
files.  I trust that the suppliers of these files have mechanisms in
place to replace all of them prior to their expiry date, or have the
customer's signature on a software license that details the conditions
under which the programs cease to work.

From: Matt Curtin <cmcurtin () interhack net>
Subject: Breaking DES Keys by Brute Force

In the June 15 issue of CRYPTO-GRAM, you discuss the (in)security of DES
because of its relatively short key length.

Concerns about its short key length have dogged the
algorithm since the beginning, and in 1998 a brute-
force machine capable of breaking DES was built.

John Gilmore and company made an important advancement with Deep Crack
in 1998, breaking DES keys very quickly.  But the first break of a DES
key was actually accomplished in 1997 in software by a team led by
Rocke Verser.  Justin Dolske and I wrote a paper describing the
architecture of the system that was published in the May 1998 special
issue of ;login.

This seems an important thing to mention not just because we can move
the time that it took to break DES keys back another year, but because
it has been demonstrated (twice -- another team did the same thing the
following year) that the key length was so short that it could be
broken in software using only random idle cycles from computers
talking together over a simple protocol.  Before this is dismissed as
an impractical attack, consider that it's believed that recent
distributed denial-of-service attacks have been perpetrated by
attackers who take over others' machines without their knowledge and
then coordinate these "zombie machines" to do their work.  If
attackers can do this for launching DoS attacks, it could be done to
break keys.  (Though because of the inefficiency of the attack, this
won't be used for anyone but attackers with no money, I'd think...)

The technical article is online at
<> and a nontechnical
article (originally written for the press) briefly describing
cryptography, brute force attacks, and our project's success is at

From: Paul Bissex <pb () e-scribe com>
Subject: Re: Cryptogram 6/15, Williams/Agre

A quick note on J. Christopher Williams' response to Phil Agre.  I
believe Mr. Williams has a legitimate difference of opinion here,
though I do not share his views.  However, to say that "[Agre's] grasp
of basic grammar is less than firm" is simply laughable, especially
after one has struggled through a few dozen lines of Mr. Williams'
stilted prose.

There are few people who write about technology with as much
intelligence, erudition, and accuracy as Phil Agre.  It is unfortunate
that Mr. Williams felt the need to turn his nitpick into a personal

From: "Jay R. Ashworth" <jra () baylink com>
Subject: Comments to Schneier on Agre

In comments published in the June Cryptogram, Mr. Williams, you take
issue with the comments by Phil Agre pointed to by, I believe, the
previous edition of the newsletter...

Microsoft wrote:
"... This is by-design behavior, not a security

Agre commented:
"More odd language.  It's like saying, 'This is a rock,
not something that can fall to the ground'.  It's
confusing to even think about it.

You observed:
The author may be a security or computer expert, but
his grasp of basic grammar is less than firm.  The more
accurate grammar conversion would be "This is an
object thrown to the ground, not a free-falling
object."  The statement in and of itself merely assists
in defining what can be called "thrown" and what can
be called "free-falling" campaign the author suggests.
To me the author is seemingly engaging in the same
"blame shifting tactic" that he accuses Microsoft of.

The way *I* see this is this:  Agre feels, and I agree with him, that
Microsoft, in its phrasing, is suggesting that since [the behavior in
question] is by design, that it *cannot be* a security vulnerability;
that is, that they are mutually exclusive.

If in fact this is the assertion that Microsoft is trying to cause
people to infer, they are wrong.  For evidence, we need merely look to
one of the most famous security holes of all time: the sendmail DEBUG

Obviously this was placed in the software by design.  Equally
obviously, it was a security vulnerability.  Therefore, it must be
possible for an element of a program to be both of these things.

Therefore, Microsoft's explanation must be disingenuous, as they are
trying to assert that these two descriptions of a part of a program
cannot both simultaneously be true.

The problem isn't Phil doesn't understand the language, it's that
Microsoft is playing fast and loose with it.

From: kragen () pobox com (Kragen Sitaker)
Subject: Risks of XML

You write:
XML and how to secure it:

This topic is sort of like "ASCII and how to secure it."  This
paragraph says it best:

And that is the one big problem.  The Internet is as
insecure as ever, and ASCII will do nothing to improve
it.  In fact, the temptation to intercept and alter an
ASCII document containing vital data en route from one
banking application to another will lure many an
Internet vandal.

Well, in the original, it said XML, not ASCII, but it makes just as
much sense either way.

From: Darren Cervantes <cervante () roguewave com>
Subject: SOAP Security

Your newsletter was forwarded to me recently.  I am interested in your
opinion on SOAP security issues.  Your recent article suggested that
any SOAP command may be able to sneak through to your machine and do
something malicious.  You state: Firewalls have good reasons for
blocking protocols like DCOM coming from untrusted sources.
Protocols that sneak them through are not what's wanted.

In my understanding of the SOAP protocol, a few things have to happen in
order for an RPC to "sneak" through:
1) An explicit SOAP server has to be set up
2) The SOAP server has to "translate" SOAP to enterprise services or RPCs
2) That server has to be configured to execute particular SOAP services (in
other words if the service isn't defined, it isn't available through SOAP)
3) The server has an opportunity to recognize the SOAP service and refuse
or block it if it is invalid

In addition, in the MS SOAP document, they state that both HTTP
encryption (SSL) and HTTP authentication protocols can be used in
conjunction with any end-point security (presumably authorization).
This would help negate the "untrusted sources" factor.

Based on my understanding, you would have to set up a SOAP server and
an explicit service to "erase harddrive."  You would then have to
allow your server to accept the request.  In a sense, it seems that
this same concern could be equally applied to many other technologies.
If SOAP were to be implemented irresponsibly, it could certainly be
insecure, but isn't it possible to implement it securely?

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CRYPTO-GRAM is a free monthly newsletter providing summaries,
analyses, insights, and commentaries on computer security and

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Please feel free to forward CRYPTO-GRAM to colleagues and friends who
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CRYPTO-GRAM is written by Bruce Schneier.  Schneier is founder and CTO
of Counterpane Internet Security Inc., the author of "Applied
Cryptography,"  and an inventor of the Blowfish, Twofish, and Yarrow
algorithms.  He served on the board of the International Association
for Cryptologic Research, EPIC, and VTW.  He is a frequent writer and
lecturer on computer security and cryptography.

Counterpane Internet Security, Inc. is a venture-funded company
bringing innovative managed security solutions to the enterprise.

Copyright (c) 2000 by Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.

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