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How you hack into Microsoft: a step by step guide

From: William Knowles <wk () C4I ORG>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 12:45:46 -0600

By: Thomas C Greene in Washington
Posted: 31/10/2000 at 12:42 GMT

Microsoft's recent sacking at the hands of unskilled malicious
crackers has engendered a vast cloud of false scent from company
flacks, who in past days have progressively shrunk their damage
assessments. According to company sources, the intruders had access
for only 12 days, not six weeks as first reported, and did not corrupt
any software in development.

Others note that, twelve days or not, the intruders can't have helped
stealing the source code for the new versions of Windows ME/2K and
Office, and might well have implanted back doors, laying the
foundation for easy remote exploitation once the finished products
reach the marketplace.

So, were the walls of the castle breached? Was the digital diadem of
William Perfidious defiled by the grubby hands of the unwashed? Or did
a handful of malicious kiddies manage nothing more than to give the
Kingdom of Gates a scare? We don't pretend to know; but we're going to
walk you through the likely steps the intruders would have taken, and
let you decide how much damage they might, or might not, have done.

Barbarians at the gate

Network security becomes increasingly difficult as point-and-drool
cracking tools proliferate. So many painfully easy-to-use appz have
been developed in recent years that persistence is now a far more
reliable predictor of success than skill: even a newbie cracker can
succeed by using pat scripts and casting his nets wide enough.

The Microsoft intrusion was almost certainly not the work of elite
hackers; if it had been, we would not now be reporting it. What we're
going to detail below is how a fool can (and did) sack the Magic

Everything the newbie cracker needs to break in to the Microsoft
Developers' Network is readily available on the Web following a brief
search. Here's how you go about it: First, you'll download a Trojan
which can be distributed via e-mail. QAZ, which was used in the M$
attack, is a fine choice because it will automatically copy itself
throughout shared folders on a LAN. It's a malicious backdoor program
masquerading as the familiar Microsoft utility Notepad.

Once activated, QAZ searches for notepad.exe and copies itself in
place of the standard Notepad file, while simultaneously re-naming it The beauty here is that when someone executes their
Trojanised Notepad, it also launches, or the original
Notepad, so the application appears to behave normally to the user. It
then searches the entire LAN for additional copies of notepad.exe to

To get it implanted on a LAN in the first place, you need to feed it
to someone dense enough to execute it. It's easy enough to distribute
as an e-mail attachment, but not everyone will fall for it. Thus there
are two chief obstacles to getting started, neither of which is
terribly difficult to overcome.

First there is social-engineering - that is, baiting the victim. The
wording of the e-mail message has got to make executing the attached
program both desirable and sensible. Presenting it as a software patch
or upgrade is a common stratagem, though there are others. Zipping it
and naming it or is another.

If the e-mail message makes sense in context of the attachment, and if
it's sent to enough potential victims, the combined laws of
probability and human nature ensure that some dumb bastard will
activate the payload. And with QAZ, you only need one victim; it will
propagate on its own.

Your second obstacle is anti-virus software. Not a tough one either,
despite all the glowing claims of heuristic genius touted by
anti-virus vendors. We took several of the most popular Trojans: Back
Orifice, SubSeven, NetBus and Hack'a'Tack, and first verified that our
copy of Norton AntiVirus would detect them, both as-is and zipped. We
then compressed them using a sweet little developer's tool called
NeoLite and ran Norton AntiVirus again.

Not one Trojan was detected, because NeoLite alters the signatures
used by anti-virus manufacturers to identify malicious code. Only the
Trojan Deep Throat, which we received already compressed by NeoLite,
was detected, presumably because it's usually distributed in that form
and its compressed signature is known. And the beauty of NeoLite is
that it's self-extracting. No third-party software like WinZip need be
loaded on the victim's machine for the compressed programs to be

On the inside

Once you've managed to infect a machine on the target LAN, QAZ will
e-mail you the IP automatically, activate WinSock and wait for a
connection on port 7597. Simply check your mail, connect, and, voila,
you're in. We're assuming you have the sense to use a Web-based e-mail
account for QAZ to communicate with, which you will have opened with
fictitious personal data, and that you know the basics of concealing
your computer's IP.

Now you'll need to swim around inside the LAN sharkwise until you find
yourself a nice, juicy target. Be patient; as the Trojan spreads, more
machines will come on-line for you to connect to. Check them all
thoroughly. What you're looking for is a box to which you can connect
directly, and which is trusted by your ultimate target - some machine
with valuable data on it.

You can pretty well assume that any box containing real treasures will
be protected by a firewall. You probably won't be able to connect
directly to it with a Trojan, but that's all right. There are other
machines on the LAN which your target box will trust. So find out
which of the boxes to which you can connect might themselves be
plugged into something sweet, like another box with the source code
for Win-2K, par example. The strategy here is to leapfrog from
machines which you own, to the one you want to own.

Where do you want to go today?

Now you've got access to a machine with interesting, valuable data.
Let's say it's on the MS Developers' Network, and contains the source
code for Win-2K. What's your next move?

It would make sense to download the code first so that if you're
suddenly discovered and shut out, you'll at least have something to
show for your efforts. Source code is jealously guarded and of course
extremely valuable to Microsoft's competitors. Owning it can be
immensely profitable for you, especially if you know a sleazy
development house in a country with virtually no piracy enforcement,
like in Russia, say, or anywhere in East Asia.

You might also wish to implant malicious code of your own in the
source to make it easy to exploit once it reaches market, or,
alternatively, examine it closely for weaknesses already coded into
it, to get a jump on the competition once it ships. A lot of valuable
data gets served up on these products; merely knowing where the
weaknesses are before the security industry catches on can lead to
considerable riches.

So how difficult would that be? Obviously, profiting from such an
intrusion requires skill; though as we've illustrated, getting inside
the network is child's play. You might be a dangerous cracker, and one
so clever that as part of your social-engineering strategy you've
deliberately opted to use common tools and techniques to conceal your
true, terrifying capabilities. But then again, you might not.

More likely you're a young fool with virtually no skills and little
ambition, snapping up toolz and appz from the Web and feeling your way
blindly towards the cracker pantheon. You'll do no harm because you
don't know how to do harm, but you'll think quite highly of your
insignificant achievements. You'll recall your modest exploits with
fondness, boast about them in IRC h4x0r chatrooms hoping to impress
some k1dd13 even lamer than yourself, and get busted by one of the
hundreds of Feds who regularly hang out in these venues.

And that, more than anything, is what Microsoft is fervently hoping.

"Communications without intelligence is noise;  Intelligence
without communications is irrelevant." Gen Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
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