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RE: Insecurity through obscurity

From: InfoSec News <isn () c4i org>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 03:03:16 -0500 (CDT)

Forwarded from: Phil Hollows <phollows () openservice com>

I can't claim to be familiar with Kerckhoffs Law - although it seems
like common sense when planning to defend a security system - but I
think the author here is stretching the point when it comes to
security through obscurity.

Lessons learned

First of all,'s method of hiding the admission
status from the applicants was a great example of security through
obscurity. In order to obtain the status early, the users took
information that was readily available to them, modified the URL in
their browsers and got access to their own admission status.

This isn't security through obscurity, it's just thoughtless
application design.  "Hiding" the session key in a hidden field is
merely a way to track state without it getting in the way of the user.  
The fact that fields / parameters that enabled users to get at
(somewhat) privileged information were easily guessed is the
*opposite* of security through obscurity.  An obscure value would not
have been guessable by the student.  The writer confuses hiding
application data for usability purposes with hiding it for security
purposes.  There was little secure about this app.

In fact, my recollection is that the user could only look at their own
data.  The app itself seems to have been secure enough to prevent a
visitor using this technique to look at someone else's data, which
would have been much more serious.  Didn't mention that in the
article, of course, because that would spoil the premise.
There are at least two major mistakes here. First,
hid an ID field that users were not supposed to see in the Web page
source. This ID was then used to construct the URL that would give
the user the admission status.

A session or user variable.  What were they thinking?  Would the
author prefer it to have been a cookie to make it a teensy bit harder?  
How would he like them to track state?
Second, assumed that users would not have
knowledge of the URL that would provide the status. However, anyone
who applied to these schools through would have
seen the URL, and would have known what the URL looked like, as well
as the parameters required to construct the URL. Given that this URL
was provided to previous applicants, current applicants could easily
obtain it by simply asking.

I think the assumption here seems to be second guessing by the author
of the developers' intent (and yes, this is also an assumption, so I'm
equally guilty of the same sin).  I think this is a fair assumption
because the developers of the app aren't actually quoted in this

And if anyone can guess the URL, it's hardly obscure, is it?  I mean,
if you want to write an article about using obscurity or camouflage as
a technique, fine.  Just that this case isn't one of them.
These two grave mistakes left scrambling to patch
the security holes.

Their assumption was that nobody would guess the URLs.  Yup, security
hole.  Poor application design, careless QA. Problem with security
thru obscurity?  Nope.
Another good example of security through obscurity was demonstrated
when hackers compromised Cisco Systems Inc.'s corporate network and
stole more than 800MB of source code (see story)[3]. This incident
caused quite a stir in the IT community, since Cisco's routers are
responsible for managing a majority of the Internet traffic. Any
security issues in the source code could become public. The
publication of these security vulnerabilities -- still a possibility
-- has the definite potential of causing major havoc on the
Internet, possibly bringing it down on its knees.

And the reason why this is a security thru obscurity problem is ...
errm ... well, we'll get back to you on that one as the author of this
piece doesn't actually tell us.  I guess I'll trust him on that one.  
Microsoft Corp. has also experienced similar embarrassing incidents.
In February 2004, portions of the source code for the Microsoft
Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems were leaked (see
story)[4].  The leaked source code could potentially allow hackers
to identify security vulnerabilities in the Windows operating
systems. Given the popularity of Windows in both consumer and
corporate environments, this leak could be devastating to the whole
Internet community.

Oh, wait. Now I get it.  Having the source code for the products is a
de facto failure of security through obscurity.  Of course!  Obvious,
really.  We should all stop compiling and linking code and use
interpreters instead, because going to machine code is clearly a poor
attempt at security through obscurity.  Then we'll be more secure.

No mention of how the source code repositories were actually
protected, nor of what systems or processes or policies failed that
allowed the source code to be accessed.  If there were security
through obscurity failures here, that would be an interesting topic.
All these examples demonstratem the danger of the
security-through-obscurity premise.

No, they don't.  There are no demonstrations of security through
obscurity in this article, successful or otherwise.

There are many articles, books and seminars on this topic. Companies
and software developers need to start with Kerckhoffs' law, assume
that the algorithm and design of the software are known, and design
security into the products and software in the beginning instead of
retrofitting or patching security holes later.

True.  What a shame this conclusion has nothing to do with the
paragraphs above it, nor a debate around security through obscurity's
valid place (or otherwise) in a comprehensive layered defense
architecture, nor about the challenges of designing, writing and
testing secure code.


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