Metasploit mailing list archives

Re: usefulness of this tool

From: neil-on-metasploit at (Neil)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 11:40:21 -0500

Great! I will. 

Also, I don't want to become like a script kiddie. I have read some people's
post in this mailing list that talks about reading registers, stacks. I also
want to be like them. I know this requires knowledge in assembly. But I
would like to know how you guys find what area in the stack to put the
exploit? Is gdb the tool for this? And I had been asking myself how one is
able to create an exploit. Do you have to know how the target application
works? Just some generals questions. :) 

Awesome tool by the way. Keep it up HD. ;) 

H D Moore writes: 

On Friday 17 September 2004 01:52, Neil wrote:
Another one. We have an MSSQL 2000 that is not patched too. I want to
test it. Which mSsql 2000 exploit should I use there? Oh btw, the
reason I am saying is because, I saw the new exploit codes after
executing msfupdate.

Both of the MSSQL exploits apply to SQL Server 2000 or MSDE prior to SP3. 
The resolution overflow uses the UDP protocol, whereas the "hello" bug 
uses TCP. I prefer to use the resolution bug, because of the broadcast 
and spoofability features of UDP. 

Regarding your question about the output; if the exploit works, you should 
see a command shell, if it doesn't, the handler will simply exit and 
return back to the prompt. If the exploit you selected is not working and 
you are 100% sure that the system is vulnerable, try the 'check' command. 
If this command does not produce anything useful, send an email to this 
mailing list with the details of the target system and the output of  
"show options" from the msfconsole shell (immediately after the exploit 


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