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msf with wehntrust

From: mmiller at (mmiller at
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 22:26:49 -0500

On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 11:12:20AM +0800, Lim Kah Wee wrote:
got the following message when i tried to run the msf console on a machine with wehntrust installed...

the console can still start after that... just wondering if there is any problem

You need to add a directory exemption for the cygwin installation
directory.  This is necessary because cygwin's fork() emulation on
windows leaves much to be desired in terms of the algorithm that they
use to copy pages from the parent process to the child process.  Thus
far it seems to be safe to just disable memory allocation randomizations
for the cygwin directory (still permitting image file randomizations),
but there has been at least one remote of there still being issues with
just memory allocation randomizations disabled.  Future releases of
WehnTrust will automatically exempt cygwin installations that it detects
so that this problem isn't experienced.

Feel free to e-mail me off list if you need instructions on adding 
the exemption.

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