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Metasploit Framework News

From: milw0rm at (milw0rm Inc.)
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 07:33:43 -0500



(viewtopic is set static to 1 not many boards keep that first posting :)

Just add a viewtopic kiss like I did here.


On 8/5/05, H D Moore <hdm at> wrote:
A few recent updates...

Four new exploit modules have been pushed to msfupdate:
 * cabrightstor_sqlagent [its getting h0ttz in here!]
 * backupexec_registry [thanks pedram!]
 * phpbb_highlight [thanks valsmith!]
 * ie_objecttype [thanks skape!]

The solaris_dtspcd_noir module now strips out null bytes from the data
printed to the screen. [reported by Pavel K.]

The msfconsole and msfcli user interfaces will now strip terminal escape
sequences from any output. [overhyped by the Shmoo Group]

A new reference type, 'NSS', can now be used to reference Nessus Script
IDs from within metasploit modules. [requested by Sensepost]

Skape and spoonm's Black Hat 2005 slides are now online at:

Sensepost released BiDiBLAH, which uses the Framework:

We now have our very first security advisory :-)

There is a good chance that a preview version of 3.0 will be ready in the
next couple months. Version 2.5 will be released Soon (TM), pending some
really nice feature enhancements.


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