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wmf never worked on my default winxp ever

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 15:58:55 -0600


Confirmed that using the BMP extension fails to execute on default XP 
installations... somtimes. To make things easier, the exploit now uses 
the ".tiff" extension, if anyone runs into a problem with this, please 
let me know. Updated module available via msfupdate and snapshot.


On Wednesday 04 January 2006 15:06, sandalwood wrote:
I don't understand how this is a bad bug.  As soon as I saw the first
exploit for this I installed a fresh completely new blank install of
windows xp professional sp2, and tested it.  It has never worked even
once.  I have also tried HD's exploits for it, including the one
released today that uses BMP format and gzip content encoding

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