Metasploit mailing list archives

Error: Could not start listener: Permission denied

From: encrypted_code at (encrypted code)
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 13:56:58 +0000

If the ports you are using are being used by other services, such as apache 
web server etc.. it will deny you because the ports are already in use, and 
cannot be overlapped. I would make sure that you arent overlapping or trying 
to use ports that may already be in use. Or, try an odd port like 45000 or 
something like that so you can make sure its not being used.

What exploit and payload are you using? Try changing the
LHOST/LPORT/HTTPORT options to non-default values. Please provide the
output of "set" as well.


On Saturday 26 August 2006 15:50, Steve Coward wrote:

Up to this point I've had no problems in using/updating Metasploit.
However, I downloaded both the current snapshot and the 2.6 version,
extracted, and attempted to use several of the modules, and when I use
it to exploit, it returns this error:

"Error: Could not start listener: Permission denied"

My system is:
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper (x86)

I thought that I had all of the folder/binary permissions correct (at
least so it seems), but maybe not? Has anyone else encountered this
issue as well? If someone could help me out with what I might need to
do in order to correct this problem, that would be great! Thanks so


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