Metasploit mailing list archives

Metasploit Framework 3.0 Beta 2 (SVN)

From: L.vd.Eijk at (L.vd.Eijk at
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 08:02:57 +0200

Cool !
Congratz on the release. I will give it a go right away. I am sure that
3.0 will kick some serious but.
I owe you a serious amount of beer :)


-----Original Message-----
From: H D Moore [mailto:hdm at] 
Sent: maandag 28 augustus 2006 3:43
To: framework-beta at
Cc: framework at
Subject: [framework] Metasploit Framework 3.0 Beta 2 (SVN)

Hi everyone,

I am happy to annouce that the second (and possibly last) Beta release
of version 3.0 is now available for download. 

If you would like to discuss the beta release with other users please
subscribe to the framework-beta mailing list by sending a blank email to
framework-beta-subscribe[at] Please keep all replies
related to the beta release off of the main framework mailing list in
order to spare the bandwidth of those not interested.

Downloads for all platforms can be found here:

Unix users may need to install the openssl zlib and dl ruby modules for
the Framework to load. If you are using Ubuntu run the following
# apt-get install libzlib-ruby
# apt-get install libopenssl-ruby
# apt-get install libdl-ruby

User of other distributions or Unix flavors may want to grab the latest
version of ruby from and build it from source.

Windows users will need to exit out of any running Cygwin-based
applications before running the installer or using the Framework. We
really tried to work with the native ruby interpreter for Windows but
numerous io/readline/stdin issues came up and we will try again once the
code base gets a little more stable.

The release packages now include Subversion repository information
allowing to synchronize your Beta 2 installation with the live
development tree. The Windows installer includes a "msfupdate" script
that uses Subversion to download the latest updates but Unix users will
need to install Subversion change into the framework directory and
execute 'svn update'.

On Unix systems Subversion will complain about the self-signed
certificate in use at Please verify that the fingerprint
matches the text below before accepting it:

- The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
- Hostname:
- Valid: from Jun 3 06:56:22 2005 GMT until Mar 31 06:56:22 2007 GMT
- Issuer: Development, The Metasploit Project, San Antonio, Texas, US
- Fingerprint:
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently?



PS. Check out the new web site design:

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