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EBX and EDI overwrite instead of EAX and EIP

From: Glinares at (Greg Linares)
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 14:20:14 -0700

I might get flammed for this being not a specific metasploit related
question, but once I get past this pain I plan on turning it into a
metasploit module.  If this question upsets you, I appologize in
Currently working on another buffer overflow and it seems that after
4084 bytes I can overwrite EBX and EDI with values only.  [Buffer x
4084] [EDI overwrite value][EBX Overwrite value]
And after loading a JMP to EDI in the EBX register I can get EAX to
point somewhere in the x90 sled / Buffer / xcc cart.
This is because this is a heap based overflow correct?  (It's affecting
a static local variable?)
So I am assuming ill have to write something similar to this:
[x90 Sled] [Shell Code] [EDI overwrite (JMP to EAX + Location of
Shellcode)] [EBX overwrite (JMP to EDI)]
I am assuming this is an exploitable vector but I could be wrong.  Am I
on the right path for this type of issue?
Greg Linares
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