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Missing .svn on fresh Install

From: francis.provencher at (FRANCIS PROVENCHER)
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:19:56 -0500

Hi all,

Im feel sorry to ask a stupid question like this, but i dont find
anywhere the answer.
I have install the latest release of MSF3 on my Freebsd box by the
Ports Tree, all work very fine (autopwn and other options). My problem
came when i try to fecth update. 

I browse the tree to /usr/local/share/metasploit and i make a svn up i
received this error;
 svn: Directory 'plugins/.svn' containig a working copy admin area is

I browse into this folder and i dont see the .svn, i look to other
folder and sub-folder any one have the .svn in it.

It's normal?

Thanks for your help

Francis Provencher
Minist?re de la S?curit? publique du Qu?bec
Direction des technologies de l'information
Division de la s?curit? informatique
T?l: 1 418 646-3258
Courriel:   Francis.provencher at
CEH - Certified Ethical Hackers
SSCP - System Security Certified Practitionner
Sec+ - Security +
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