Metasploit mailing list archives

msf book

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 16:17:21 -0500

Hi Kim,

Looks like a good start, we are somewhat overwhelmed right now by regular 
work / metasploit 3.0, but this is definitely a project we would be able 
to support and contribute to. So far, my biggest demotivator for writing 
a Metasploit book is dealing with the publishers ;-)

Some things we need to define before we get started:

1) Writing perspective
2) Writing style
3) Chapter/section dependencies
4) Open to everyone/Open to registered authors


On Sunday 18 March 2007 16:05, Kim Guldberg wrote:
Hi list

I have played around a little with the idea of writing the book as a
community effort, and  not knowing a lot about Wiki and the other
suggestions I took my lead form the fact that text can be used in any

I looked at a Table of content to start the process of deciding what
subjects a book should cover. What you see below is not even a draft,
just a loose sketch to get everyone started.

Post, comment, correct and let's see where this takes us. What ever
solution is chosen this will not be wasted

Metasploit Framework - The Book
By The Metasploit Community

Table of content

Chapter 1. Framing the Framework

    What's the purpose, Metasploit explained

    The history
        How it started
        Version 1
        version 2
        version 3

    Who is Metasploit, The persons behind the Framework
        HD More
        all of us eventually

Chapter 2. The Framework explained
    The design model
    Why Ruby
    What is a Module
    What is a Noob

Chapter 3. Installing the framework

Chapter 4. How to create a Metasploit Framework testing environment

    Using VMWare
    Using Microsoft Virtual what ever the crap is called (sorry
coulden't resist that)
    Creating target iso's

Chapter 5. Using the web interface

Chapter 6. using the command line

Best regards
Kim Guldberg

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