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Metasploit Framework TMT 2007 hdDay exploit

From: at (angelic solutions)
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 21:22:26 +0100


"Request a trial and get access to the HD's Friends Area and Extended 
HD's brownies."


Shame in mot in Texas =/

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerome Athias [mailto:jerome.athias at] 
Sent: 25 July 2007 21:07
To: framework at
Subject: [framework] Metasploit Framework TMT 2007 hdDay exploit

*** JA Security Advisory ***

JA Advisory: JA20070810 (Pre-release) v1.0 Revision $4444$

*** Title: Metasploit Framework Team Birthday Beerflow Vulnerability ***

Critical: Extremely Critical (drinking bout)
Impact: Ton of alcohol
Where: From everywhere (and especially from Texas)
Solution Status: None available
Product affected: The Metasploit Team (TMT) version 2007
Vendor: The Metasploit Team
CVE reference: None yet

Disclosure timeline:
20070725: Full Disclosure
200708??: Full technical details will be released

Vendor contacted: NO (it's full disclosure with black evil in mind ;)

A vulnerability has been discovered in The Metasploit Team (TMT), which 
can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a vulnerable team member.
The vulnerability is caused due to the improper call to the Birthday() 
method in the HDM module of the TMT, which allows loading of arbitrary 
happy birthdays.
This can be exploited to e.g. execute arbitrary pay-me-a-beer when an 
user visits a malicious bar.
It could also lead to BBP (Big Birthday Party) & rock'n roll all night 
long with infinite tekila loop...

The vulnerability affects the following product:
* The Metasploit Team (TMT) version 2007, HDM package

We are not aware of any solution yet. The vendor recommends to send your 
gifts by air mail to avoid mega drunk crashes.

*Provided and/or discovered by*:
Discovered by Jerome Athias and reported via MSF Labs' security 

*Original Advisory*:
JA: (this mail)

*Extended Solution*:
The "Extended Solution" section is available for HDM's friends only. 
Request a trial and get access to the HD's Friends Area and Extended 
HD's brownies.

More information should be provided next week...


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