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failing rpc dcom in framework 3.0

From: twelvenine at (twelve nine)
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 14:00:10 -0700

I just installed framework 3.0(windows) and as a preliminary test, i
tried running the ms rpc dcom exploit(from the web interface) on one of
my old, unpatched winxp boxes. it failed with a drpc error: 

... [*] Sending exploit ... [-] Exploit failed: DCERPC FAULT =>

at this point, i went back to framework 2.7, ran the same exploit, and
it succeeded(like it should have). the support page for metasploit 3.0
said that only the web interface was supported in windows, which i was
using, but i decided to check things out on one of my linux boxes
anyway. i installed the current version of ruby, rubygems, and rails on
my fedora 7 box and i was able to run the web interface for both 2.7 and
3.0. i tried rpc dcom again(on the same winxp box): 2.7 succeeded, 3.0
had the drpc error again. seems like a bug to me.

  twelve nine
  twelvenine at

-- - Does exactly what it says on the tin

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