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Metasploit on Windows (TEST2)

From: elite_netbios at (Hamid . K)
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2008 23:37:22 -0800 (PST)

And some ideas to add into GUI :

How about adding a direct link to "Handler" . 
Some people  may like to use MSF exploits out of framework , but
get back their response ( perhaps shells or meterpreter sessions ? :) on GUI.
Current usage through msfcli is fine , but it would be a cool option to include
in GUI . 

Following handler , payload generation through GUI would be handy too. 
since GUI can have "save as" or alike options , advanced payload generation
steps such as choosing and testing encoders , size , etc... can be easier to use
through GUI .

Finally , "search" option of OpCodes is missed , or not implemented in BETA ? 

And another bug(?) on OpCodes>Modules :
Module filtration seems  not working .
trying to query for any dll will pop up "An existing connection was forcibly closed by remote host"
after a long freeze . seems filter try to connect to online db , but as my connection is working fine
and metasploit site is accessible , sniffing shows sucessfull connection to metasploit through HTTP.
POST goes and response comes back containing queried data , but seems connection is closed
in middle of getting reponse from web site. 


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