Metasploit mailing list archives

Karmetasploit question

From: decouk at (Andre Amorim)
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 23:19:44 +0100

Karmetasploit  is sweet !!!
Can we steal wpa-psk keys from windows register as well ?

Sometimes is hard to broke into wpa-psk wireless network, even using
rainbow tables such as:

"WIKIPEDIA ->A rainbow table is ineffective against one-way hashes
that include SALTS " where salt == randon_crazy_ssid

[quote from metasploit blog]
The result is an extremely effective way to absorb information and
remote shells from the wireless-enabled machines around you. This
first version is still a proof-of-concept, but it already has an
impressive feature list:

- Capture POP3 and IMAP4 passwords (clear-text and SSL)
- Accept outbound email sent over SMTP
- Parse out FTP and HTTP login information
- Steal cookies from large lists of popular web sites
- Steal saved form fields from the same web sites
- Use SMB relay attacks to load the Meterpreter payload
- Automatically exploit a wide range of browser flaws

Andre Amorim
GnuPG KEY: 2048R/3E10FF47

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