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URGENT: Metasploit Update Problem (yet again)

From: professor0110 at (Professor 0110)
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 21:15:21 +1000

Hello everyone,
I have yet another problem with the Metasploit Online Update feature.

This is what happens when I try and update the Metasploit Framework:

Updating the Metasploit Framework...
svn: XML parser failed in 'modules\encoders\x86'
svn: Malformed XML: not well-formed <invalid token> at line 1
svn: Working copy '.' locked
svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks <type 'svn help cleanup' for details>

And when I attempt to run SVN cleanup, I receive the following output:

svn: '.' is not a working copy directory

What should I do now? As I have stated before, I am a noob with using SVN.
Any help to resolve this problem will be much appreciated! :)


Professor 0110
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