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Pen-Testing and Metasploit Question

From: professor0110 at (Professor 0110)
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 09:11:37 +1000

Hi everyone,
I'm hoping to officially break into the Penetration Testing/Ethical
Hacking/Information Security sector within the next couple of years. I was
wondering if just having the Metasploit Framework for exploitation would be
enough in a Pen Testing situation - along with Port Scanners, Vulnerability
Scanners, and Back-Track of course. :)

The reason I ask is that Metasploit doesn't cover every single remote
exploit, and to compile an exploit off places such as Milw0rm can be time
consuming and inefficient in a Pen testing situation. Especially if the
source code is broken and needs tweaking/rewriting to compile properly.

Thanks. :)

Professor 0110
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