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PAYLOAD: adduser.rb - Checks on the PASS parameter

From: chris.riley at (ChrisJohnRiley)
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 17:43:19 +0200

Right now I'm testing using msfconsole (with a modified version of ms08_067_netapi) and msfpayload.

I'll take a look at raising an ArguementError and see how it effects things.

As you said on Twitter though, looks like a hook method to enable custom validators might be the best method in the 
long run. Question is though, is this the only case where custom validation has come up as a requirement, and can you 
envisage it coming up in the future ? Useful yes, but worth the additional work ?


-----Original Message-----
From: framework-bounces at [mailto:framework-bounces at] On Behalf Of HD Moore
Sent: 11 September 2009 17:21
To: framework at
Subject: Re: [framework] PAYLOAD: adduser.rb - Checks on the PASS parameter

On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 02:05 +0200, ChrisJohnRiley wrote:

I?m trying to implement a few checks in a custom version of the adduser.rb payload (length and password complexity 
rules on the PASS parameter). Although I?ve the checks are functioning (see DEBUG messages), I can?t seem to get the 
payload to exit out cleanly and cancel the exploit (Msf::OptionValidateError ???).

What interface are you testing with? Raising an ArgumentError from the
generate function works fine for msfconsole (it stops the exploit). If
you are using this with a client-side exploit where payload generation
is delayed, this wouldn't show up until a client accessed the exploit

msf exploit(handler) > exploit 

[-] Exploit failed: Password for the adduser payload must be 14
characters or less

Besides the constraints on the basic option types, there is no other way
to place a check on the raw option value before launching the exploit
right now. If this becomes an issue, we can add an
option_validator(oname) method to each module, which can provide a
true/false return based on its own rules.



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