Metasploit mailing list archives

MSF in msfconsole

From: hdm at (HD Moore)
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 17:21:51 -0500

On Sun, 12 Jul 2009 16:06:45 -0500, Rob Fuller <mubix at> wrote:

So I was playing around with msfconsole and the msfd module. One of my
biggest complaints about msfd is the lack of (guess it's called  
'readline') support. Basically history and arrowing. There are a couple  
ways I can think of doing this but wanted to ping the list first.

1. Extend the plugin to check revision, then if a match, use it's own..
2. Load all or dynamically across the wire msfconsole and all of it's...
3. Use some IRB majak to go completely ruby connection based,  

The current code just requires netcat or telnet to be the client.  
Implement command completion and history would require either of the  

a) A custom ruby client that is smart enough to load stuff over the  
network and a reimplmented server plugin to support this.

b) A change from line-based to character-based input processing in the  
plugin, a complete termcap implementation, and essentially implement a  
real telnet session on a pty.

Thoughts, ideas? The basic premise that I'm looking for is the load
msfconsole on my side, and do msf> load msfd -c and  
connect to an interactive remote msfconsole. On the server side it would  
be msf> load msfd -d 54444

This is actually what msfrpc and msfrpcd are for, plus they offer  
encryption and authentication. The msfrpc client is just an IRB instance  
that has access to the RPC client object. If you want to get fancy, you  
could build a full msfconsole replacement that interacts with a remote  
metasploit instance over the RPC interface. This comes pretty close to  
solution a) above.


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