Metasploit mailing list archives

OpenSSH-server meterpreterscript done

From: Oliver Kleinecke <okleinecke () web de>
Date: Wed, 05 May 2010 19:02:07 +0200

Hi All!

I finally finished work on my win32-sshserver script, that deploys +
runs an OpenSSH-server on the victim machine. This should be pretty
useful (hopefully :) ) if you need a Socks4-Proxy on your target
machine, for example for proxychains.
It`s got some nice features I think, and since I am much too lazy to
write it all again : take a look @, if you are interested in it`s
functions ..

Alternatively, you can also download the attached script, and use the
"-h"-parameter to view the usage :)

I really appreciate any feedback, especially for reporting bugs etc.
Also: if you encounter problems or want to have additional functionality
added, contact me via mail, or talk to me in irc .. (you can find me in
#metasploit - channel on FreeNode most of the time ;) )

Attachment: win32-sshserver.rb


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