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Re: Load plugin inside msfgui / Error in msfgui ?

From: scriptjunkie <scriptjunkie1 () googlemail com>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 18:41:51 -0400

Hi Ludovic,

Unfortunately, the ability to load a plugin is not in msfrpc yet, so I
can't implement that in msfgui yet. I haven't had time to get a patch
together, but the code would be similar to the cmd_load code in the
console command dispatcher. You can track progress (or try to make a
patch yourself and post it) here:

The job error should be fixed now, though. svn up and test it out.


On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Ludovic Courgnaud
<ludovic.courgnaud () gmail com> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I was trying the msfgui and I'm wondering if it is possible to launch a
plugin directly from the interface. I did not find the option in the menus
and I need it in order to load both a plugin and an exploit at same time.
Actually, a loaded plugin (in console mode) permits me to create Command and
Control channels with list of victims, then an exploit can be executed on a
selected victim. Is that possible in graphical mode?

Then, in console mode, I use the existing option "jobs -i ID" wich displays
informations about a specific job, but that option seems to fail in
graphical mode, I get the following message :

"Info failled msfgui.MsfException: Uncaught exception undefined method
'info' for #<Rex::Job:0x...> in method"
As this problem happened to me when I used["datastore"], I
changed it to myjob.ctx[0].datastore and problem was solved. Is that a good



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