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Re: my handler has been p0wned

From: al1c3andb0b <al1c3andb0b () lavabit com>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 16:57:34 +0100

On 03/16/2011 03:54 PM, Nicolas Krassas wrote:
Did you upload your "testing" files to any of the av scanning sites ? eg. virustotal ?
Yes I did, and with various payloads, but not during these tests (anyway I've stopped using these sites), and most often I've used private addresses (not even sure I've ever used my public IP once).

But I'm not sure to understand your point: you mean one may download my test payload from VirusTotal, execute it, the stager reaches my handler, that in turn start sending stages. The payload may fail to execute or has no "visible" consequence, so I only see "sending stages" messages in msfconsole. Though this could be possible, I think it's pretty improbable, as this implies: - one day I've uploaded a staged payload to VirusTotal, containing my public IP and targeting the port 8080 - Bob has downloaded this payload, with the intent to execute it: why, as this makes Bob the victim? Do you rather think about researchers doing a survey, or some kind of official services that try to identify potential attackers through the VirusTotal database ? - The payload, on Bob platform, fails to execute OR the payload has no visible consequence - One day, I expose my host (DMZ), and start the _appropriate_ metasploit handler
- This very same day, Bob tries to execute my payload

Another nice story, but don't think that's what happened to me.


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